
She has a publicist and wants into a swanky NYFW party.

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Have you seen this one? I think this is the most attractive I’ve found Justin Timberlake. What’s wrong with me

LOL you don’t think Donald was the one who made her move to LA?!

Who can save the world from Daddy’s bile,

In NYC? Michael Bloomberg is a mover & a shaker. The Kennedy’s when Jackie O & John Jr were alive. Point is Trump was never part of that elite crowd because real people with money & influence viewed him as what he was, a intellectually inferior clown with no social skills & no intellectual curiosity.

Hm. Not quite exploiting the First Daughter gig as best she could...

Shout out to all the publicists who send us pitches CLEARLY meant for Jezebel Atlanta!

Best SNL skit ever.

I have been laughing at this gif for a good two minutes. I’m a social worker in Philly. I needed this. Thank you!

A Trump and Swarovski crystals. Classy.

Its as Anne as the nose on plains face.

I cannot feel sorry for anyone who has a “beauty allowance”. No matter how small it is, it’s 100X larger than mine.

I highly doubt she or Marla get much money from them. I seem to recall during some of the debates a story about Ivanka’s $2,500 odd beauty budget and a story about Tiffany and Marla splitting a 300 or 500 beauty allowance.

She wasn’t raised in NYC. Like I posted earlier Marla got her as far away from Donald as she could when the divorce was final. There was something to that.

The fact that Marla chose to raise her child as far from Donald as she could is telling don’t you think? Still no matter what she’s got the same brain as him, the same social climbing skills & same need for attention as her father & other siblings. Note to the rest of the country, those of us in NY that know high


I feel like this is something that anyone working in the media (even as the marginalized Trump daughter’s publicist) should know the difference. I know the difference andmy work has absolutely nothing to do with the media.

On one hand I see what you are saying. On the other, she’s trading on her Father’s name to go to a party while her father put the fate of 850k young people into question.

Hey, plenty of people have asshole fathers without the money or parties.

Can we stop feeling bad for her now? She would never in a bazillion years be invited to anything fashion week related if she wasn’t the president’s daughter and she is 100% exploiting that.