
I am make sadness for much brave America. Do not hurricane! instead support hope.

this was a fun read:

Acting on material non-public information violates SEC rule 10b5-1:

Yeah! I’m included! This is breach # 5,437 I’m included in. When everyone’s info is inevitably out there, it kinda ends up....”if everyone is super...no one is”.

The good news is, some Equifax execs won’t be destitute s a result of this hack. It really is a meritocracy, after all!

For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about - No action!

Wanna bet if Irma destroys Mar a Lago it’ll get federal relief before anyone else in the country?

Also, her pinky is bigger than his pinky.

I’m so sick of pelosi getting heat by dealing with trump.

The Bannonites are an admittedly entertaining lot. I spent the better part of the afternoon trolling the wingnuttier among them, trying to get them to explain some nonsensical conspiracy theory that the government has created these hurricanes to control the population.

Whenever Trump tries to convey genuine emotion and/or concern he sounds like VCR instructions from 1985 written in English, translated into Japanese, then translated back again into English.

They didn’t unleash him. He defeated them. He took out a dozen awful, but far more qualified candidates and the party reluctantly supported him through the election.

Michelle Malkin will be in my town Saturday.

My hope of what it looks like when Hurricane Irma meets Mar-a-lago.

“fitness, character or qualifications” of Hillary Clinton.

UK Update:

I am so enjoying the GOP realising what they unleashed just doesn’t care about them at all.

My God. This is the stuff Kim Jung is so mad/jealous at Trump about. He has to threaten to kill people to get them to say “its such an honor to craft medals with my dear leaders face on them.” All Trump has to do is buy them lunch and pay $11.00 an hour. 

“Coming to work every day knowing I’m making the medals for President Trump gives me a great sense of pride.”