
I was puppy-sitting for my sister and her fiance this weekend while they were out of town for a wedding. They don’t have cable, so I took a vacation from this insanity and instead read a book. Turned my phone off and everything.

I’ve always been partial to this one:

Not related to politics, but still depressing af is the Eagle Creek fire raging in the Columbia River Gorge. I’m in Portland & ashes are in the air. 10,000+ acres burning in one of the most scenic areas of the country. All because some fuckwit 15 year old was playing with fireworks, dropping them into the ravine.

If I was somewhere in his vicinity and saw he was physically hurt or in trouble....I’m not sure I would help him.

The president, who staffers were reportedly concerned “might not fully grasp the details of the steps he was about to take” prior to the DACA announcement, said on Tuesday that “I have a great heart for the folks we’re talking about, a great love for them.”

Exactly. The naked emperor is completely and utterly incompetent and unhinged.

As you can see, there is no material from which to distill a Code 45* today. John Kelly has obviously installed an app that gives Trump’s tiny thumbs an electric shock every time he touches the exclamation point on his phone keyboard. Either that, or they are on to me and I will be hearing the black helicopters at

Trump’s approval rating started out low and stayed low. But it still amazes me that such a giant shit show manages to get a 39% approval rating. The bar is so low for mediocre/failing white men apparently.

Trump is the one controlling Kinja.

That’ll be a real shame if you go man.


It’s enraging they describe incompetence instead of cruelty. He’s a white nationalist and is all to aware of what he is doing.

If only ten people supported him, that would still be depressing enough for me.

The market is down one percent today. On the news I heard it’s because of concerns about North Korea and Hurricane Iris, no mention about the possible expulsion of 800,000 people. As far as I know, most of the Dreamers are working professionals, kicking them out of the country won’t be good for business. And when

Don’t look at the comments. Never look at the comments.

“might not fully grasp the details of the steps he was about to take”

Trump definitely has a great, big heart. In fact, he should see a doctor because an enlarged heart is serious business, but since he doesn’t believe in science, then fuck him.

Meanwhile, his approval rating is still at 39%. Down a whopping 5% since his inauguration.

Small personal silver lining for me from today: It’s not every day you get to go to work and draft a public statement calling the president, his administration, and their actions “illogical,” “unreasonable,” “callous,” “thoughtless,” and “foolish,” so at least that gave me a little bit of joy out of this otherwise

A horse walks into a bar and then had to be put down.