
No, no.

Or we could all hands on deck: protest, write call Congress, talk to state AGs and your state legislators.

If you think about how much of the US was Mexico before the war it makes zero sense to kick the Hispanics out. White people came and occupied places where brown people WERE ALREADY ESTABLISHED, ffs.

They’re not going to deport nearly enough people. They just want to terrorize everyone who is here. And they want to make citizens like me feel like this is not our country, like we don’t matter. This is about terrorizing some of us and demoralizing the rest.

Unfortunately, voting alone won’t do it. Voting + gerrymandering reform is what we really need. I know that Arnold Schwartzenegger isn’t everyone’s favorite person, but I can’t emphasize too much how important it is to get people on board with this.

“Sessions indicated that immigration reform was the job of Congress”

These are also people who paid into SS and taxes knowing they’d never see any of it. It will cost this country BILLIONS in lost revenue.

I read or heard somewhere this weekend, and I wish I could remember where it was, that during times like these, everyone should be keeping a journal and just writing down the way things are- so that as our country slips into totalitarianism, and democracy is lost, we can remember what life was like. That is to say

This piece of shit administration couldn’t see compassion even if it hit them in the face. This is their petty, racist, heartless, white nationalist essence at its worst. Fuck them all with a rusty piece of that fucking wall they want to build. Now I want to see where they’re going to find the money to deport 800,000

He’s also a liar who lied to Congress about his collusion with Russia.

This administration is more willing to protect statues and monuments of racists than actual people whose lives are going to be torn apart by this.

2018 and 2020, people. Protesting won’t win this. Voting will.

Hmm, and who was it that penned a letter that helped kill the DREAM Act? And who was it who fought bipartisan immigration reform with every resource he had, including his aide Stephen Miller, and together they killed it despite initially strong bipartisan support?

Oh right, it was Jeff Sessions.

This administration’s

Sessions said that ending DACA would ensure the “rule of law” and protect American citizens from “crime, violence, and terrorism.”

After reading his brief statement, Sessions declined to take questions.

So Verrit exists to help publish FACTOIDS?

Everyone does realize that a “factoid” is not an actual fact, but instead questionable or false info presented as a fact.

Seriously. People should try it out. It’s so easy to piss him off.

Did I ever tell you guys how I lost a job because of Trump? I was a receptionist for 1 day for the Vice President of a university, back when I was studying. I was learning to work the office phone and this guy called, just saying, “Let me talk to Jabra.” I told him, “One moment.” Tried transferring the call and

Juiceiro, but for news!