
At this point my outrage and anxiety meter blew out long ago. If the world is going to end then let it fucking happen. We had our chances to avoid catastrophe but we elected the worst human being on Earth to the most powerful position on Earth. It is our own fault.

Prayers Don’t Help Heart Surgery Patients; Some Fare Worse When Prayed For

are you saying I should stop unscrewing these seals I found?

Incompetence, bluster, and apathy/antipathy toward the citizens.

I just hope the adults in the room are handling the situation while the oaf is sent away to play golf or something.

Elections have major consequences.

Guys I’ve been in contact with my work and managers by phone and conducted drive by assessments of if the building still exists, and I am happy to report none of this has resulted in me actually going in and doing my job

my idiot cousin does

Trumpkins voted for “freedom”. The freedom to be browbeaten by out of control law enforcement, the freedom to be terrified with nuclear brinksmanship and the freedom to be poisoned in their own homes. I know there are more “freedoms” but I’m so angry I can’t think straight right now.

How did we get to a point where a statement from anyone in the government links to Breitbart? Might as well link to the Weekly World News. I hear someone saw Satan’s face in the chemical fumes.

But, of course, Trump and Co are still trying to sell the narrative that “regulations are bad” ...ya know, the same regulations that have kept this disaster from being a total clusterfuck apocalypse that could have easily rendered large swaths of Texas uninhabitable for decades, possibly centuries.

Thank God the Trump administration is here to make sure America understands that big petrochemical companies are the real victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Looked for the Slim Pickens shot riding the bomb but this one seemed more maga-appropriate.

Nothing to add besides a Dr Strangleove gif, my terror, and I’m going to be smoking prodigious amounts of weed in the meantime.

Hey, you know what would stabilize the region? Threatening nuclear annihilation to China’s neighbor and also ending our trade agreement with South Korea.

How in the absolute FUCK does someone have the gall to ask flood victims for donations! I completely fucking hate this man.

I’m just thinking:

Wait, so that website makes up fake news stories intended to go “viral” so that in turn the fake “viral” story can be used to discredit idiots who want to believe it.