
“Great turnout!”

I keep thinking that it will be a realitvely inconsequential thing like this that inadvertently sinks Trump. I want him sitting in a cell at Rikers thinking “I’m here because of what someone else would do for a Klondike bar?”

Don’t disgrace noodles that way.

I’m curious who took the photo and why. Is it standard practice to photograph passengers debarking from government aircraft?

Personally, I hope its more Gaddafi.

I would love nothing more than to run into her in real life and say “Hon, can you bring us another round of drinks. Thanks.”

Best part is that they may have wasted all the tax payers money to watch the eclipse near the path of totality. He’s the first treasure secretary to visit Fort Knox in 70 years, conveniently during the hours of totality. McConnell tweeted about watching the eclipse from the roof and quickly deleted it.

She reminds of Martin Shkreli crossed with Cersei Lannister and Paris Hilton.m.

The Trump Administration is dangerous, but can you imagine how much worse it would be if they were subtle and clever?

I’m not convinced she’s actually fluent in English.

Look at these disgustingly smug faces. I need to start collecting my farts and bake them into a pie so I can launch one onto Munchkin & Louise.

Well done, Steve.

Only the clearance-rack ones do. The high-quality ones know better than to open their mouths or express an opinion that isn’t their owner’s.

This is our future:

Why is the Treasury’s Office of Inspector General SO JEALOUS OF HER?!?!?!

Man gold-digging trophy wives sure cause trouble.

The rich never learn.

I’m starting to predict a Ceausescu style end to this administration.

Delmar added that when the review was complete, the Inspector General’s office would “advise the appropriate officials” on “established procedures.”