
“No offense to your colleague from Fox News,” Sarah Sanders said, “but I think I’m a little bit better informed than they are in terms of when the White House has made a decision”

Doesn’t Trump and his team have a raging boner for Andrew Jackson? I’d actually be shocked if they did replace him on the twenty dollar bill with a black woman (who I’m guessing Trump had to be educated about).

“No offense to your colleague from Fox News,” Sarah Sanders said, “but I think I’m a little bit better informed than they are in terms of when the White House has made a decision”

Ok, so Trump wants to end DACA. Why am I not surprised?

That blonde woman on the couch on Fox - has she always been the female host on that show

They have a closet full of animatronic blondes. Wait, band name?

I have a question. That blonde woman on the couch on Fox - has she always been the female host on that show or do they keep substituting the blonde female host with a new blonde female host? I feel like this one is younger than I remember.

Her soul is as ugly as her face. Or her face is as ugly as her soul. What was ugly first: her soul or her face? Meh - look at her genetic pool. She never had a chance.

Houston will never see a dime of Trump’s alleged million dollar donation.

How do they have the audacity to try to push for a tax cuts for corporations now that FEMA needs billions is beyond me. I don’t know what fuckery they will try to with the “tax reform” bill I don’t know because one needs an evil mind to figure their tricks out.

Fuck Ted Cruz spewing his bullshit about why he didn’t vote for Sandy Relief. That it was “full of pork”.

If Trump has as much money as he says he does him donating a million dollars is like me donating $1.50

Just when you think that the administration can’t get any pettier, Steve Mnuchin signaled that he was reconsidering putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill.

I work in a large, multi-college community college District in a city with one of the highest immigrant populations in the country. This is going to affect literally thousands of our students, many of whom were already on edge from all of the other fuckery this administration has been up to since January. Luckily our

Lest we ever again have to listen to the “Trump isn’t a real Republican” bullshit, please note that 12 Republican Attorneys General will sue if the administration isn’t sufficiently shitty to immigrants (DACA).

I think it’s time to start sketching out the likely storylines on the Harvey relief bill, which has to compete for attention with the stopgap funding measure and the debt limit bill.

Two points:

UK Update:

It’s never a good time to talk about anything the GOP doesn’t want to talk about, especially gun control and climate change. If not now, when?? FEMA needs to focus on Texas. The EPA is not involved. So start looking at the science and talk to climate experts to analyze Harvey.

This entire clip just fucked me in the wrong way.