
To add to everyone else’s tips:

I always thought Armie Hammer just looks older than he actually his. I was CONVINCED he was the same age, if not older, than me. He’s four years younger than me!! I...have some thinking to do...

Also the fact that, despite being on super-mega-clearance at an already-discount store, there are still large numbers of her shitty clothes in stock because no one would want even a penny going to her.

Seriously, he looks gorgeous in this movie. He looks gorgeous in everything. :)

Seriously. Rand Paul is clearly a shitty neighbor because Rand Paul is clearly a shitty person. Occam’s Razor.

Who would have thought Trump’s biggest mistake in life was killing your old Romanii mother with his car?

I recently got a job where they provide polo shirts for every employee to wear. At first I hated it because I wanted to wear my own clothes, but I realized it would save me so much money and guilt because now I’m not buying cute tops because they’re “so cheap!” and “a bargain!”. I am also donating a crap ton of the

Man, I love sniffing my way through the candle section of TJ Maxx and Ross. Have been sticking to the soy wax candles mostly, and they always have great soy wax options.

Man, I love sniffing my way through the candle section of TJ Maxx and Ross. Have been sticking to the soy wax

I’m cheap, so the brands I love come mainly from the affordable spectrum.

I’m cheap, so the brands I love come mainly from the affordable spectrum.

It kinda makes me glad that my parents and I have totally different tastes than me in TV and movies. Except if there’s Liam Neeson in it. Than my mom is ALLLLLL over it, no matter how bad the movie is. She liked “Nell”. “NELL”. Nuff said.

BAE has been a major defense contractor in the States for decades, and was already a huge competitor when I was dragging my feet back in D.C. and employed by one of the top 5 defense contractors in the world. BAE was higher on the ladder than us, though (size-and-revenue-wise).

Some people, landlords who don’t live in the unit/house especially, just don’t give a shit about proper home maintenance because 1.) that would eat into the profits of the rent they’re getting from you and 2.) they’re the type of people who just don’t give a shit until things are REALLY screwed up and can be covered

I feel your pain. My current apartment has furniture I hate right now because when I moved in, I got some big pieces from a store that sells liquidated hotel furniture. It’s good quality stuff, but not the aesthetic I want to live with right now (fine when I was super broke and just needed SOMETHING). So my plan right

I so often wonder what it’s like for idiots to live life without any self-awareness of their stupidity/hypocrisy/assholiness/whatever whatsoever.

Have you tried jobs that are the start of a slow, gradual progression to what you really want to do? You’re a teacher now, but maybe you can start looking for jobs teaching art, art history, whatever for a few years, then you look for jobs closer and closer to running an art gallery/workshop/space. If you have the

The pressure to do more and be more and PROGRESS in your career is very real, especially for women right now. But if you are happy with literally every other aspect in your career, you might need to talk to someone objectively about why you feel stalled and what exactly you need in your career to get out of this rut.

I love Macgyvering shit at work and at home. Always feel so clever and useful after I figure out an unconventional solution to a problem like you did with the cord. Then when I’m smiling to myself and patting myself on the back, I realize no one else really gives a shit.

Hoping internet hugs help a little. Sometimes it just helps to tell someone, anyone, and let it out before you bottle it up and repress all the bad. ::internet hugs::

I fucking hate how simple-minded these idiots are because they are RUNNING OUT COUNTRY. Wouldn’t care if they were running daddy’s company or shoveling shit somewhere like they should be, but running any government (local, state, federal) takes the ability to see all shades of gray, not just black and white.

I have a hot dog costume that is the only costume I’ve ever bought (on clearance a few years ago the day after Halloween), but I am too shy to wear it to my newish job this year. Don’t get me wrong, the people at my newish job would LOVE it, they’re that kind of good people, but I always doubt myself so much about