
Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

I got married a few weeks ago and the day was amazing! I was super stressed the month leading up to the wedding, and my partner and I almost regretted doing the whole biggish wedding thing (we had a little over a hundred guests).

I only know ‘Dutch Oven’ as a sexual/slang term. I feel so uncivilised.

Same boat here with the kosher kitchen. For a brief time i considered getting a passover cuisinart but logic superseded.

I would totally take one of those dutch ovens off of your hands. That is how generous I am! Jokes aside, my fiance really wants one of those. I don’t argue with most kitchen stuff he wants since he’s the cook!

555 is where my wife and I ate our first meal after moving to Portland back in 2004. We mentioned to our server at some point during dinner that we had just arrived in town. When they brought out our dessert, the kitchen had written “Welcome” on the plate in chocolate.

Wow, thanks! The Eritrean place sounds especially good. I appreciate your recommendations!

That reminds me of my AP Chemistry class in high school. Before our first lab of the year, we were required to watch a lab safety movie that was designed in the early 1990s, and we all just DIED laughing. The guy jamming a glass rod into his own hand, the kid stripping under the safety shower...and his awkwardly pervy

You must be extra nice if you are a woot! / cat person. I grabbed the shirt.woot! image to make a birthday card. I have always been a cat person, so the image spoke to me. I currently have three shelter cats, two of which are buttheads. Example homemade birthday card below.

It doesn’t bother me when they try to write comments about how ugly my kids are, because they are exceptionally beautiful and anyone can see that.

This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.

So was the murder of Dr. George Tiller an attack on faith? If not, why not?

ackshually, i interviewed laura about how she pulled off her travel back when i was working at the hairpin — she goes into her finances and there are lots of llama pics here

One day I would like to have a ceremony to celebrate my gay white self’s betrothal to a black man. We went to the City Clerk’s Office in NYC early on a Thursday morning and then both went to work. So we eloped, kind of. I wonder if Rachel Dolezal, aside from her painting and Africana Studies and NAACP duties and


My pops is black and my mom is white, and when they got married in the early 80s in buttfuck Colorado this was quite the anomaly/scandal. They couldn't find a black groom cake topper so they just sharpied in a white dude. Nothing says “special day” like blackface on your wedding cake

Less cake-related but rather young-family-member-meltdown-related ... My littlest cousin lives overseas and we’ve only met a couple of times - but we wanted to include him in our wedding ceremony when he was about 6 so we made him a ring bearer. By all accounts he was super excited until he got to the rehearsal and rea

Ugh! Those people are the worst! The presumption and arrogance in statements like that are infuriating to me. When the aunt who had basically raised me died after a lifelong illness, I heard that shit over and over again. I wanted to scream at all of them, both because it was such bullshit, and because there is

When my dad got sick and after he died, I really finally understood this. I was never the type to offer stupid platitudes, but my experience really reinforced the idea. The worst things you can say to someone grieving is shit like, “God never gives us more than we can handle.” Or “everything happens for a reason.”