
I only used those tables when I couldn’t find a place to sit elsewhere. I didn’t use the library because eating and studying were joint projects most days. I always regretting using them when I did.

There are roof terraces? That sounds lovely. My program was all evening classes. If I got there early after fieldwork, I’d camp out in the cafe by the bookstore on the first floor of NAC. I lived on their noodle soup.

I graduated from CCNY with my Masters degree in 2013. I hated being in NAC all the time, but I loved that campus.

I honestly don’t know where we would have found an affordable photographer if my brother’s friend wasn’t a pro. He did an amazing job at an amazing price. I sometimes wish we had gotten a videographer too, but I can’t imagine how much that would cost in NYC

Hi friend!

My husband’s grandparents lived an hour away when we were in college. His parents visited them pretty often, and always came to see him too. They managed to see every production he was ever in, multiple a capella shows, plus just regular visits. The only time my dad came up was for graduation and he left the same day.

My classmates in 8th grade. We weren’t allowed to carry waterbottles after that.

Sit back and relax and watch sports in one of our overstuffed leather chairs and enjoy a complimentary beverage or one of our alcoholic selections.

I’m the idiot sober person on the drunk train, thanks to not drinking. It helps that the head car is where the stairs are to exit my home station. I need that quiet to prepare for the hike up the hill and sleeeeeep.

Even better when you walk to the front car, drunks are too lazy for that.

The 1:50 Metro North. Last train of the night. I purposely leave things early to be on the 1am train instead.

My inlaws saw those productions of Diary and Hamlet a couple of weeks ago. They enjoyed both. Have a fun anniversary!

I usually make veggie chilli, so I can put cheese or sour cream on top.

It’s a thing that my Southern Baptist uncle used to post about every fucking day. He got unfollowed for it.

There are reasons my conservative relatives are hidden from my feed. Well, that and I got sick of seeing posts from Crossfit for Jesus.

I had horizontal piercings in both nipples at one point. They didn’t hurt so much to get done. Unfortunately, my body hates piercings and they never healed correctly. I had the same thing happen with my eyebrow and despite having my ears pierced for over a decade, they still give me problems at times. I took them out

Salmon. We had 175 guests.

I’ve always figured that they’re the kind of thing that will get more use when we have kids to cook for or host more dinners. Our wedding registry definitely had things for future use on it.

We accidentally ended up with three dutch ovens as wedding gifts. We kept them all. We’ve used one so far, and it cooked a delicious 5 pound brisket. We keep a kosher home, so we have a lot of duplicate items. We dubbed one meat, one dairy, and one passover meat. Once it gets chilly again that dairy one will be the

That 10 hours an week was instead of attending classes at school. I had 10 hours a week of high school half my sophomore and my entire junior year. I had to retake a year of Latin because I knew more than the tutor they assigned me. I failed a math class junior year because the tutor quit in March and they didn't