
I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

sometimes when I get anxious I’ll put it on and my boyfriend will come in the room and be like, “Gilmore Girls, again?!”

Jezzies, I had my baby! Her name is Juniper.

hi creeper! ;) xoxo

I don’t really mind it so much... except she is clearly lying because cats don’t wear makeup or get piercings. I know this because every time I have tried to do a smoky eye on my cats, they scratch me.

I am flying 100% solo tonight. Just me and a pizza.

Those people have become my sworn enemies. Like this Christian homeschooling group in Alberta (who have a name that makes them sound representative of Alberta homeschoolers as a whole) tried to bring the Duggars up for a conference. Wtf. Fortunately enough people complained and they changed their minds. Damage done

It’s okay, I got this.

As someone who wasn’t crazy about the idea of doing a wedding-wedding but is doing it anyway, for a variety of reasons - look, we can’t always get the chill backyard paper lamp-lit commitment ceremony of our dreams, ok? I made my peace with doing a wedding-wedding because, well, my parents and extended family would be

Manager: “Did you get their order right this time?”

Guys, I think Yoko ruined Shonda’s laptop. Not cool, Yoko.

You’re on TV!


I hope they really....

Musee D’Orsay is a short walk away. Incredibly beautiful and less insane. At least when I was there.

I don’t understand the taboo of declaring early pregnancies on the chance of something going wrong. Fact is, 1 in 4 pregnancies will end in miscarriage. Now that we have extremely early home pregnancy tests, what used to be what a lot of women thought was a “bad period” is an early miscarriage. I think it’s weird that

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff

I just ate a quarter of a piece of spanakopita and I’m on my second beer so I’m happy. Cindymoo’s at work after her camping trip, which was apparently awful and she vows to never go on another trip with those people again, so yeah. I told her we can get a suite on a cruise ship and she can open a tent on the floor the