
I know that if he doesn't care he's unlikely to do it. It's not anti-feminist as much as realistic. I think part of me is afraid that if we fall into this pattern now, of me doing most of the housework, that it will continue after we have kids. Only then I'll also be the one doing most of the day to day work

I have a friend with a wheel. Last night I promised her that if I ever get the Great Pyrenees I want I'll give her the shed fur so she spin it and knit me a scarf. She loves spinning her own yarn and making things with it.

They're nuts. Basic questions that are no big deal turn into insane lectures or the regulars going off on some tangent about how crazy the original poster is. I asked them for advice a couple of times before I realized just how far into the crazy they are. Then I ran away.

Thanks for all the advice. I have a feeling that the solution is going to end up being that I do the work that I want done and he sits on his ass swearing that he helps too. And he does help. I just wish that I didn't feel like I was twisting his arm to get him to help. Maybe I need to work on changing my

For those of you that live with a partner where both of you work full time, how do you find time to keep your home's neat, cook meals, and spend time together? I'm starting my first post grad school job in a couple of weeks and am worried about finding the time to both work and have a life. Any suggestions?

So you would't use a fitted sheet on the bed? How do you wash it after sex?

I don't normally follow tennis, but for my dad's birthday this year we're going to the US Open. This Sunday. I wonder who I'll get to see during my 7 hours of tennis watching. Followed by delicious Thai food in Woodside.

That first question could have been written by my Nana in 1945. She lived in a town with a large military population and enjoyed herself and made lots of friends. When she agreed to marry my grandfather, six weeks after they started dating, she had to write a lot of Dear John letters.

My little brother used to box with one of our cats. By box I mean tap his front paws repeatedly, the cat would tap back usually without claws. Our baby sister (she's 14 years younger than him) did the same and was surprised to get the same reaction. She startled, I kissed her hand (kisses are magic), and a new game

The only time I don't get annoyed at people asking for things from a wishlist (when it isn't a gift giving occasion) is when it's for a charity. In my case, it's the many people fostering kittens that I follow on facebook. They ask for toys, food, litter, and other things that are necessary and cost a lot when you

I drove a bus through college and used to dream about getting my class A and driving a truck for a living. I love driving and rarely get sick of being on the road.

At least that station was nice about it. I had the auto shut-off fail at a pump once and got gas all over me. When I went in to let them know I was scolded for trying to top off my tank, which I hadn't been doing. Gasoline burns, especially when it gets in your shoe and you have to drive 20 minutes before you can

I don't think my grandma was raised to be independent. She's 85 and and has been married off and on since she was probably about 18/19. She had her first kid at 20 during her first marriage.

My grandma's policy seemed to be that if they could physically and monetarily support her, she'd marry. When they couldn't, she'd leave. Somehow, she's been married to the same guy for the last decade and actually seems to be happy finally.

I had a friend like that in grad school. I forget exactly how the breakdown of kids went, but her ex and his wife plus her fiance's ex and her wife would all get together with about 6 kids among them.

My brain decided that while I was trying to fall asleep last night was the perfect time to remember all the crap I went through in junior high. WTF brain? Junior high was 94-96. Why do I have to vividly remember all that almost 20 years later?

That's pretty cool! My husband and I will be getting the genetic testing done before having kids, but only for diseases. This sounds like a lot more fun than just finding out if either of us are carriers for anything.

I had a failed attempt at insertion and haven't tried again. I went in on the fourth day of my cycle, with my doctor assuming that this would make insertion easier since my cervix would be softer and the opening easier to find. Welp, my body likes to play tricks I guess. It took her 45 minutes just to find the damn

My issues with my mother have nothing to do with weight or body image. I am, however, reminded of the issues the mother of one of my male friends passed down to him. She's a perfectionist and rather obsessive about appearance. She kept a calendar of outfits she wore to work so she wouldn't repeat one for the entire
