
I know. He went a bit overboard I think.

Has he turned orange or is that a trick of the light?

Don't fight back because he'll hurt you more/kill you if you do. I missed the day they taught sting operations though.

When I saw that the Chinese take out place in my old neighborhood got an A, I figured the ratings were bull. I've seen people put scallions in soup without gloves after handling money, but they somehow got an A.

That's great. I thought I did well at an interview a few weeks ago, but since I'm still unemployed I guess I didn't. I'm far more interested in the place I'm going to on Tuesday, but at this point I'm not picky and just need a salary to help my husband pay bills.

Both my mother and my mother-in-law had/have husbands who travel for a month or so for work at least once or twice a year. My dad has a job with odd hours so he was never home a lot during the week when we were awake, so mom tended to have to do everything on her own. I think that made his travelling easier on here,

Thanks for the happy story! I have interviews on Monday and Tuesday and am hoping for the best.

Explore a new neighborhood each week. If you search online for self-guided walking tours you should be able to find a bunch of interesting places to visit. My husband and I did one in the Lower East Side and it was a fun and cheap way to spend the day.

When I used to be super busy with student teaching and writing a thesis, I would sometimes prep all my meals for the week that I ate out of the house and label them in advance. That was just to save time when I'm running out the door for the 7:12 bus and not getting home until around 8pm. Otherwise, yeah, many

They're hit or miss. Also my earring tastes are either classic or silly, depending on my mood. I was never sure if it was a problem that the 6 year olds I worked with loved my earrings.

I go to Old Navy for cheap earrings.

My first two didn't hurt at all, but they're little. One is on my breast and the other on my upper arm. My third one is on my back and took a total of 10 hours of work to complete. It hurt like all hell after the first couple of hours each setting. Before that, I studied and tried to take a nap. When my skin gets

Ezra Jack Keats has amazing illustrations. I love those books.

They might not have been available in her local book store so she decided they must not exist at all.

I'm far more interested in finding books that just happen to have different types of families in them, instead of the ones about different families. Just a typical children's book where the illustrations show diversity.

I know what you mean, and I agree with you. I don't tan, I burn. None of them have my collection of freckles though.

They discussed politics before this. I wasn't really paying attention but this same friend feels that we should pay for the fire department and police privately instead of through taxes. Then there was some legal conversation, but talking rights with my lawyer husband never goes the way people expect. He started

Why do some people think it's okay to question other people's beliefs? My husband and I were out with friends last night and somehow the topic of religion came up. A couple of friends are atheists, one or two are agnostic, and three of us (my husband and I included) are Jewish. One atheist friend and my husband

My old bedroom is actually treated as the spare bedroom now. I didn't know this until after I spent the night there once and my step-dad told me that when people visit, they use my room. All my old stuff is still in there for anyone to see, and I have no say in who goes into what was my room.

I hate it when this happens. I've had the same issues with certain groups of my friends and it's happened enough that I'm just writing them off at this point. They're acquaintances, not friends. I'm shy and bad at making plans. I want to see people, but am always sure that if they wanted to see me they'd