
I had a friend in a somewhat similar situation and talking to her never helped. She did end up isolated from a lot of her friends because he didn't like them. He didn't approve of her hanging out with certain people, so she didn't, or she lied to him about it. My biggest annoyance with him was his complete lack of

Depending on the field, you might also want to check out community colleges for intro classes. I have a BA in Sociology but wanted to go into Early Childhood Education. I did a year of classes at a community college to both get the knowledge from the classes and some classroom experience before perusing my MSEd.

There's nothing quite like having a cat nudging you looking for pettings when you're trying to get busy. Pause, remove cat from room, resume foreplay. Cue the cat crying and scratching at the door. Then that cat gives up and another one appears outside your door.

I can see the pros and cons of being the sole teacher of a subject. Yes, you can't easily bounce ideas off coworkers. As someone who will hopefully be a new teacher this fall, that would terrify me. On the other hand, you have the freedom (depending on administration) to really go at the pace of your students and

My husband is basically the sole earner for us right now, so it's a moot point. Even if I put the card down, it's a joint account where he puts in 6x the money as me each month. When we had separate accounts we'd alternate paying or split it if we went somewhere nicer. The only time I balked at splitting it was on

There's a large part of me that wishes that my husband earned a salary that could support a family. Someone the other night made a comment about him having a six figure income now, because he's a lawyer. I said that if he made six figures, I wouldn't be stressed out looking for a job right now. My husband's face

In the process of going through the massive collection of photos my Nana saved over the years, we found one of my dad from his first day of work at his current job in July 1985. He was almost 33 in that picture. My 27 year old brother looks just like him. I've been told my whole life that I look just like my

We had a big wedding (about 175 people attended I think) and it was a blast. If we had to pay for it ourselves it would have been a totally different story, but our parents paid so they got to add to the list. My in-laws are very social people who hang on to friends forever and stay close to them. They spend most

If I was in the market for a wedding dress, I'd definitely check them out. I loved my dress and wish I had another occasion coming up where I could dance barefoot with my husband all night. The next wedding we're attending isn't until December since the August and October ones got postponed.

It's a beautiful dress. I hope you find one that you can both afford and love.

Knowing my dad he probably didn't ask a lot of questions. He needed something new for an event and was not happy with his purchase. I've heard ridiculous horror stories about brides ordering knock off gowns from China. Including one where the dress arrived smelling like fish. How does that happen?

My dad had the opposite experience ordering a tuxedo from China. He wears a tux at least three if not four nights a week for work and this one was worn once and retired. The material was cheap and it looked bad.

As long as she isn't covering her sling with a giant feather boa again, she can rock the sparkles.

I have those very credentials and no job. It's not just a lack of teachers, but spaces to teach in. Plus, it's not compulsory education at that age so the spaces go to classes for older kids who are guaranteed space at a school. Opening your own school, even for one class of 15 kids is a huge amount of money and

Is this actually just for Manhattan parents, or any borough? We have the insanity of $40,000 pre-k at, I think, three different schools in Riverdale. Assuming I'm still in this area when we have kids, they're going to the same co-op pre-school my husband and his brother attended.

Was that the one where one of the families being interviewed was moving to Greenwich because, "everyone knows [kid's name] didn't get in"? They had a freaking mural on the ceiling in the kid's bedroom.

I've never thought about that. Is that even possible? I'll look into it. Thanks!

No problem. Chowhound's kosher boards are somewhere I venture to when I'm looking for somewhere new in NYC to check out.

If it was just rent we'd be a lot happier. At the end/beginning of the month student loans, a credit card, rent, and the joint cell phone bill are all due within maybe two weeks of each other.

I'm not from Miami, but I found some info for you through chowhound. It's my go to when I'm looking for new places to try out. Try this thread or go on the site and search for miami kosher. There a lot of threads and a lot of opinions.