
There's nothing wrong with loving karaoke. My husband has a little notebook with the codes for his favorite songs. When we have the time and money, we'll go to marathon karaoke with his friends. We're there for somewhere between 6 and 8 hours on marathon days. Granted, there are sometimes close to 20 people in the

I'm a newly licensed teacher looking for work. It sucks. I had one interview and that's it so far. I've been told that August is a big month for hiring here, so I still have some hope. I'm specifically looking at independent schools because the public schools are too focused on testing and making little kids sit

This. I was forced by crappy work scheduling to eat whenever I had a free moment. This often meant that it took me 45 minutes to eat the sushi I got from the food court on campus. I was never full and always a bit hungry despite eating plenty. Tuesdays really sucked that semester.

I so miss being able to buy cheap meat. We keep a kosher home and meat is now reserved for when we can afford it. When we do buy chicken, it goes in the slow cooker with a can of broth and water. I then shred it and use it all sorts of ways for the week.

I think I'm planning one actual recipe this week, the rest is just using what we have. I'm making a pasta dish with canned tuna that I saw on food network, mainly because canned tuna is on sale this week. Other dishes will be salads, veggie chicken with frozen rice, eggs, and frozen salmon burgers with different

Thanks. My husband tries be understanding, but he's still close with his high school friends. We just hung out with them the other day. They're a blast. He's sorry that I'm upset, but doesn't enjoy hanging out with my friends, so he's not sorry they're gone.

I'm feeling sad over the fact that my high school friends no longer consider me part of their group. High school ended 13 years ago and the group I hung out with then is all still close. I got really sick in high school and it definitely affected my friendships. Now we all live in or near the same city, but I don't

That sounds like a horrible situation. I'd be miserable. The fact that he can't even give you a space to put your desk and have stuff you want around be there is just way too controlling for me. You either need to find out what his standards are if you want to try and reach them, or have your own place. Cheese,

I got my Masters in Early Childhood Education, and my certification, this year. I've had one interview but that's it. I have no paid experience in my age group, but plenty of unpaid time working in classrooms for my classes. I have the license and degree required for lead teacher jobs but not the experience. I

I'm only surprised when people use their real names to spout hate and other garbage. I think they forget that the internet isn't anonymous when their name and picture is attached to the words.

Thanks. I'll check out the links when I can afford to buy a new suit. I'm actually not plus sized, I just have big tits, which can make finding a one piece swimsuit even harder.

Before they redid the store, the JC Penny at Roosevelt Field used to have their plus size section right by the entrance from the parking lot on the first floor. I have never seen so much terrible clothing in one place before. It was all shapeless, styleless, and just ugly. There were horrid printed shirts

Me and my G cups don't like swimwear. I love swimming, love going to the beach or doing laps. Unfortunately, one piece suits don't fit both my top and bottom half. And if I do actually go online and find separates, they're often $60 each half and I can't afford that. I went to the beach last weekend and refused to

As another poster pointed out, this is an online class, which can be impossible for many women to complete. I'm sure there's some half-smiling white woman speaking slowly the entire time, which means you need to bring headphones to the library if you don't have your own computer with internet access and a printer.

I don't just have a step stool, I have a folding thing with three steps that lets me climb up to the height of my countertops. It's a wonderful thing even if it was a pain to carry home on the subway.

I'm afraid to get tested. When I got my first colonoscopy it was more to get a baseline of my normal colon and to confirm a diagnosis of IBS. The doctor didn't care about my current problems with my colon but hounded me about getting tested for Lynch. He wanted me to get my Nana, who also had severe dementia,

We're pretty sure, based on family history, that my Nana, uncle, great-grandfather, and his sister all had Lynch Syndrome. All four had colon cancer, Nana also had kidney cancer which killed her earlier this year. So far my father has been healthy so I'm hoping he didn't inherit it. I still get colonoscopies every

I've told my 6'3" husband that one of his uses is reaching the upper shelves. His mother agrees with me.

Cancer runs in my family, and we're all pretty short. I'm 5'1" and taller than most of my female relatives. That reminds me, I'm overdue for a colonoscopy. Ugh.