
I've been married for less than six months. My husband and I are that annoyingly sappy couple that kisses for no reason, holds hands or links arms while walking, all that fun stuff. We've been together for five and a half years now and have never stopped being that couple. Our love is a constant. We talk through

I just realized this week that one of the major reasons I can't get over the fact that my mother has happily removed herself from my life (and this hemisphere) is that I have no closure. Each big milestone in my life that comes along a little voice tells me that maybe this one will be important enough to her to send

I got so lost when I had access to articles through my colleges in the past. I would start a paper on one topic and find a little piece of information and run with it to a whole new paper idea, often the day before a paper was due. Learning is just a part of who I am and I can't imagine being with someone who wasn't

My husband used to build sets so there was a time carpenter pants were actually appropriate attire. However, it was his only attire. Even his shorts are carpenter. At least he got rid of the shower shoes that he hasn't needed since the very beginning of our relationship 5 years ago.

This just makes me paranoid. My husband and I are going to a wedding this weekend and we're rather broke right now. In that we have about $200 available until his next paycheck which is in two weeks. All our bills are due at the beginning of the month.

I have done this once, when I took my first sip of a thin mint milkshake. The noise I made led to several others trying this delicious milkshake and then ordering them. I regret nothing.

That sounds like my husband. I don't think he's updated his casual wardrobe since high school. If he's not in court clothes, he's in jeans and t-shirts. I'm slowly getting him to replace his old carpenter style pants with ones that don't have hammer loops. For nights out that need something a little nicer than a

Agreed. My husband and I have different taste in books, but there are books everywhere. I can't imagine being with someone who didn't read for pleasure. That goes hand in hand with not having an interest in learning new things after college.

I regret who I chose for my Maid of Honor. I don't have a lot of close female friends, and my husband has a female best friend. He wanted to have men on his side so I asked his best friend to be my maid of honor. She accepted grudgingly and wasn't at all into it.

My husband's ex was at our wedding. It is possible. She's dating one of the groomsmen and we've become friends. At first it was super awkward, but she and my husband are now able to hang out without any awkwardness. I think it helps him to see his very good friend in a happy relationship. That guy does not

Horrible and expensive tastes. For really bad tastes, My Fair Wedding has some real doozies that some how come together after a professional with good taste fixes all the major flaws.

Wedding shows are my guilty pleasure. I got married earlier this year, so in the past I could sort of half justify it by saying I was looking for ideas, but not anymore. I watch Say Yest to the Dress (all the versions) and Four Weddings.

When my husband and I were doing a wedding registry we got a thing from Bed Bath and Beyond with suggestions about the quantities of various things we should ask for, including towels. The suggestion was three bath towels per person. One to use that day, one in the laundry from the previous day, and one for the next

I've gone out for the day and realized when I got home that I really needed to pee, 10 hours after going out. And that's with eating at least a meal and having a drink or two (non-alcoholic).

If the kiddo was writing/dictating the text for the blog, I'd be halfway to okay with it. If it's really just his mom posting about what expensive outfit her kid picked out each morning, no.

My grandmother asked me why I waited so long to get married, and told me that I was too old to have children. I got married three months after my 30th birthday. Thanks Nana. I miss you and your wonderfully old views of the world.

I not only have the imaginary kids, but the nursery and play room to go with them. Pinterest is a terrible/amazing place to lose hours.

We had those too. My dad probably could have afforded to get me one, but I inherited his lack of school spirit. Most of them were bought by the richest parents for groups of perfect children who have been best friends since kindergarten. I remember that one group bought two pages, so they could have faces on one

My dad is a wonderful man who married a crazy lady. My mom is one of those people who decides she's right about something and ignores any evidence to the contrary. She drove my dad away by being herself, but blamed him for leaving. My childhood was messed up for a lot of reasons, but I've never blamed my dad for

Getting my nails done is always a pick me up. Pull on a fun summery skirt that looks good with your swimsuit. If you're self conscious about your upper body, grab a button-down shirt that you can throw on over your suit but leave it open. It's sort of a halfway point between being in just the suit and wearing a