Good luck surviving bar prep!
Good luck surviving bar prep!
My husband and I thought about taking a cruise but decided against it. Not because the ship seemed boring, but because the destination just wasn't all that interesting. Most ships have a ton of activities on board. Pools, fitness, shows, movies, shopping, soaking up the sun, et cetera. Plus, the excursions in…
What about earthlink? Or is my dad the only one who still uses that ?
I miss my Nana. She wasn't the best cook out there, but I still loved holiday meals at her house. I'm pretty sure she made the exact same meals every year from 1946-2008ish. As a kid I thought she made everything from scratch, then I helped her set up for Rosh Hashanah. Her apple pie recipe consists of buying two…
Then the government will be required to offer free English classes to anyone who wants them, right?
My uncle is blocked from my feed because he kept posting about doing Crossfit for Jesus. Does he really think Jesus cares about his exercise regime?
No one likes a surprise reference call. Especially a current employer who has no idea their employee is trying to leave. Either talk to your boss about it now or hope you don't get called to the carpet when she gets a phone call about you.
I would keep it all. I have a necklace that belonged to my great-grandmother and I treasure it. I'm likely going to end up with some of my Nana's jewelry soon (she passed in April) and I can't imagine selling it even if it was valuable. Of course, I'm also the woman who got married with her other…
We just had an orchestra, chorus, and band in elementary school. Fourth through sixth graders in each. We performed in that order. By the time the band went on all that were left were the band parents. I was always sad to see how few people were left on stage after I finished singing and then grabbed my…
With the placement of the straw, I figured it's supposed to look like a Capri Sun.
So the men of Mumbai's municipal council are turned on by mannequins. Good to know.
One of my first graders this year says "tarter sauce" whenever something goes wrong. There's nothing like playing a game of sight word bingo where you hear tarter sauce after all but eight of the 50ish words.
Even better, when you round a bend and that asshole who cut you and many other people off while speeding and weaving is pulled over.
I'm trying to imagine just how boring an article on briefcases would be. I see you have a black, leather, rolling briefcase, any particular reason why you went with black over brown? Do you have a brown one for when you wear brown shoes?
At least people won't be up on the big screen when they get refused? Kiss cams at ball games when people don't want to kiss are rather hilarious.
My mother-in-law kept her name and the kids have her husband's name. Her husband gets called Mr. HerName and she gets called Mrs. HisName sometimes, but it doesn't bother either of them. If your kids have your husband's last name, when they go to school you'll probably be called Mrs. HisName repeatedly, hopefully…
My dad has a full head of nearly shoulder length hair, none of it is brown anymore though. Thankfully, men in my family keep their hair.
My high school didn't have class rank or a valedictorian. For college applications you could find out what percentage you were in, but that was it. For AP and honors classes an A+ was a 5.0 I believe. I didn't take any though. We had an elected class speaker who I think talked about the Stinky Cheese Man.
As a woman who was physically unable to have a Mirena inserted, this is wonderful news that I'm going to have to look into.
It is very, very creepy.