
It's harder to sabotage long term methods other than preventing a woman from going to the doctor. However, some men pay close attention to the frequency and duration of periods and hormonal birth control can change both of those. At least that's what the full article said.

Husbear. I started calling him honeybear and various other ridiculous things that end with bear, including Bear. After we got married I started with husband-bear and it was quickly shortened to Husbear.

From what I read elsewhere, they were waiting to see what happened in the Court before seeking an abortion outside of the country. She's at greater physical risk after her sixth month (based on the previous pregnancy) so they had the time to try and help other women by getting the law changed. I wouldn't be at all

My husband and I are really bad at applying sunscreen. We biked about 6 miles or so on the Jersey shore yesterday and are both burned. He sprayed me while I was standing up, so of course my skirt was shorter when I sat on the bike. I'm sunburned the two inches or so of my thighs above the knees. He didn't apply

I've never been to that part of Texas. I've been on I10 from El Paso to DFW and then turned north on I35.

I think I'm spoiled by living in NYC. Too many delicious restaurants.

If I'm ever in New Haven I'll be sure to remember that.

My husband got an Oscar Wilde quote in a fortune cookie last night. "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."

For reasons I don't understand, my high school hold prom and graduation on the same day. The girls get all freaked out about having to rush to get their hair done after graduating in the hot sun that day. I skipped prom to fly to Europe with my dad. My friends all went and their after party was at a hotel out east

If you really want the smoky eye look, try a color other than black.

Good luck! My thesis is due on Wednesday at 7pm and I'm more than a little freaked out.

If you read the actual article, the concern is a bit different than presented here. The doctor is worried about people with no family history of cancer getting the BRAC tests, which do have a risk of false positives. Those false positives can lead to surgeries on women who don't really need it.

My husband is not amused by it. He sees it as me taking out my anger at dream-him on him when he didn't do anything wrong. I wish he would just laugh about it, but thankfully it only happens once in a while so it's not a big deal.

I occasionally dream about my husband cheating/leaving/generally being a super-asshole. I wake up pissed off at him and it takes me a few minutes to realize I was dreaming and that I don't need to stay mad. There was one morning where he was leaving before I was really awake and went to kiss me goodbye but I

My great grandmother turned 105 on Saturday. I wonder if these two rather old ladies share a birthday.

I know it's not really talking about classical musicians. Most people don't talk about classical musicians or event think about them. I just happened to be raised by a couple of them. It just irks me a bit when the word musicians is used as almost an insult in the dating world based on one type of musician.

Would the result be the same if the guy was carrying a tuba case or violin for that matter?

Oh I know that. It's just that half my dad's side of the family is from Portland and my little brother lives up there now. I grew up going to Brady Pond every summer and playing tourist in Freeport.

I'll be at a wedding in Maine in October, again. If I could move to anywhere in the country, it would be Portland.