
The other left...

My uncle and his chunk of my family are Lubuvitch. I swear they live in another universe than us, and it pisses me off. They're so separated by sex that my uncle has difficulty participating in a conversation with me and my dad. He just changes the subject and ignores me. Ugh.

A couple of the ones I've been on in the past aren't listed. I'm just glad I'm not trying to buy Yasmin near me without Rx coverage. $101! OUCH!

Between this picture and the bouncing boobs, jez has been a bit NSFW today.

I've taken it a couple of times, both the two pill and one pill type and had no problems. Or babies. I think some people react really strongly to hormones.

When I view Jez on my phone, there are no tags, just titles. I miss Dirt Bag and Tweet Beat regularly now.

My guess is that he meant April 2nd.

Elaboration is the problem. My grandmother was born in Maine in 1923. Her mother basically grew up there. I have no idea what the format of the book was.

Was The Spectator available in the US then?

I tried that too, but the books don't seem like things that a housewife in Maine would have been reading.

Does anyone know how to search for a book/story published around 1923 by character name? My Nana passed away Thursday evening and her name was Glenys. It's a Welsh name that her mother read somewhere and liked. That's all the information we've ever had. Any ideas?

Colonoscopy prep is the worst thing I've ever experienced. I don't know if my body overreacts to laxatives or what, but the cramps and pain was incredible.

If only one drink had anything in it, and the drinks were completely opaque, I'd probably have said the same thing. Personally, I would have slowly sipped my drink, very carefully watching that little stone. It never would have come near my lips. As soon as I could tilt the glass and grab it with out spilling my

I'm a liberal, NYC Jew whose mother happens to come from Oklahoma. There's a good reason I don't talk to that side of the family, ever.

How many times a day do you use a neti pot? Well, not really a neti pot but something super similar that sprays saline. It's made by the same company. I hate my sinuses and I'm tired of having a sinus infection every spring when my allergies kick in.

Was she drunk to? If not, why the heck wasn't she driving?

Harry Potter as a rom com was far better.

There's a gym in my community that has women only swim time for just that reason. If the hours were convenient to me and it wasn't so expensive, I'd swim there.

They just stare, which is creepy and annoying, but not harassment. Since they didn't do anything illegal or against gym policy, complaining would have done nothing. My options were to ignore them, which I couldn't do, or stop going. I chose to stop going. I paid good money to go to that gym because it has a pool, I

I worry that when I have a baby I'll be isolated those first few weeks. Go visit (with your boyfriend if that's more comfortable for you) and bring a fun meal and dessert. Unless she's the type that doesn't like having people over without making the house spotless.