I looked up the website of this gym to see just when the women only hours are. Unless this man is a swimming fanatic, he only loses 90 minutes of gym access per week. The other hours are all for the pool only.
I looked up the website of this gym to see just when the women only hours are. Unless this man is a swimming fanatic, he only loses 90 minutes of gym access per week. The other hours are all for the pool only.
Garbage cans aren't locked and apartment buildings typically just pile a mountain of bags on the curb. Even though I'm sure she knows exactly where it was, there's no easy way to definitely identify who left the bag. Anyone can add to a pile of bags while walking down the street.
I'm sometimes that jerk talking to the bus drivers. They're usually friendly and from experience, I know that it's really boring to be surrounded by people for hours on end with no one to talk to. I do move out of the way when people are getting on or off the bus though.
I'm watching a kitten cam and hiding from most of the news.
I'm counting down until 5/22 when my last assignment is due. THESIS!!! Then graduation and hopefully employment soon after.
The draft of my findings for my Masters thesis are due on Wednesday. Last week, my adviser told me the new direction I need to go to create findings out of my limited data. I have completely lost interest in my project because the direction I'm being forced to take is not what I want to be studying.
Take the train into Manhattan from Yonkers or Ludlow (depending on which stop is closer). Make sure you sit on the river side of the train. Enjoy the Hudson.
It's super easy to count points, especially if you have a smart phone with the right apps. I didn't like how the activity points work (35 minutes on the elliptical would sometimes come up as about 3-4 points while stretching is 1 point/10 minutes). If I had actually followed the plan I would have done well, but I'm…
I hate that the only reason my alma mater is ever in the news is due to scandals with the basketball team.
That looks like a really cute book, but I'm afraid the kids will get stuck on the holiday part of it.
Academic help wanted, if any one can help. I'm in my last semester of graduate school, working on my thesis. I'm writing about how teachers can support students who have a sibling with special needs. As part of this, I'm investigating how young children (first graders) understand disabilities. The plan is to read…
I put blister covers on the spots I know I usually get blisters and this lets me wear the pretty new shoes without as much pain.
No photo to include, but my handwriting is a horrible mix of connected and unconnected letters. My lower case a changes depending on nothing (circle with a line versus the one with a hook). If I'm writing really quickly, I cross the h, k, and l while dotting the e. I've looked at my own handwriting after a class…
My maid of honor and her parents didn't bring us anything. She said they were waiting until we told them exactly what to get us. I opted not to do that as I didn't know what their budget was and felt uncomfortable doing that.
I didn't feel it was exactly the same as putting registry information the invitation, just a step removed from it. I felt like writing, "the bride and groom are registered at...." is begging for gifts, which we were avoiding. If the only thing our website contained was a link to our registry I wouldn't think it was…
I'm bad at thank you cards, but how can you get annoyed for advanced notice of a party? If it's in a restaurant on a Friday or Saturday night, reservations are often a good idea and for that you need a headcount. If you're cooking, you need to have time to plan. I hate last minute plans though.
My dad leaves me voicemails that often say "I doubt you're listening to this." or "I'll be surprised if you ever hear this." I'd text him, but he doesn't own a cell phone.
A lot of people make free wedding websites where they put all the information that doesn't go on the invitation. Ours had directions to the site, hotel information, registries, and stuff about us for family members from out of town that only knew one of us. It was either that or include additional pieces of paper in…
One of the biggest causes of children not going to school other than illness is a lack of clean clothes. Unless you own a washer/dryer, doing laundry can cost a lot of money.
We have two boxes, one for each of us. I bought them yesterday and am nearly halfway through my box already.