
I miss bread. It's day four of Passover.

A church by my college had a sign up for a while that said, "Free trip to Heaven. Details inside." I laughed every time I saw it. There also used to be a church up in Maine near a bunch of stores that had signs in the parking lot that said "sinners will be towed".

Agreed. I'd much rather an business that does face-to-face interactions allow employees to stay home when they're sick. I understand that it might be hard for some businesses to pay for an employee to stay home and one to cover the shift, but at least then you won't have an employee get everyone else sick. People

As much as I love grunge, Home Alone 1 & 2 were my late brother's favorite movies. I can't not vote for Macaulay Culkin.

I'll never have to worry about that either, but dang would I like to not have to choose between staying home with babies and working to pay someone else to take care of my kids.

If we paid for it ourselves, we would have had a very different wedding. Actually, we probably would have had a destination wedding, which isn't cheap, but cuts down on the hurt feelings that not inviting all 220 people would have caused.

The guest list from my inlaws was over 60 people. And that was after they made a lot of cuts. They helped pay, so they got to invite who they wanted.

Weddings can be expensive. Our food cost a ridiculous amount of money, but it had to be kosher which limits options and raises the cost. When we met with our dj they gave us a list of all the optional things that we could have. Lighting, video, photobooth, dj + band, dancers, etc. So many people want all these

I assumed the single part was there because she was found in the home of a male, non-relative. Possibly inferring that they might have been in a relationship I guess.

It's about an inch on the top and shorter in the back. I had grown it out to a bit below my shoulders for my wedding and cut it off 13 days later. That cut was a bit too long, I started looking shaggy quickly, so this time it's even shorter. I love it.

Hair care question: Those of you who don't wash your hair everyday, do you use products in your hair? Mine is super short and some days I add pomade to it to either spike it or just play with it. If I'm putting gunk in it during the day, I should wash the gunk out, right?

I was reading "Cinderella Ate My Daughter" which is about little girls and the love of princesses and everything pink. But then my semester started and all I read now are books for class and for my thesis. Or kids books, but that's for class too. I have a book, "Education and Capitalism" that I really want to

This. Of course, trying to convince people that they shouldn't force their beliefs on others is a serious uphill battle.

Our mom was very against video games, until my brother had appendicitis when he was 5. Nothing worked better than that brand new gameboy to keep him occupied during a week in the hospital and a week at home. She still refused to buy us any consoles though. The first gaming system we had was an N64 that my brother

I got the three shots when I was 25-6. It was right around the same time your daughter got her first shot. I remember just leaving after the first one, then having to sit in the waiting room for 30 minutes after the second and third shot to make sure I didn't pass out. Fun. I had already tested positive for one of

I can see where you're coming from. It's akin to a pro-life politician helping his wife/daughter/mistress get an abortion. The law is sacred until it isn't.

I lost my 19 year old cat last year. She was born in my house and I had her for about 2/3 of my life. I sobbed like a baby when she went. I had gone home to visit her and pack up some stuff from my old room. She died about a week later. My step-dad told me that he thought she had just been waiting to say goodbye

I wanted to put one on our wedding registry for that reason, my husband said no. Also, we lack anything little and cute to put on it.

This article would have made a lot more sense if the women in it were being told to have c-sections for non-medical reasons.

I'd assume that she signed a waiver and requested her husband be given the diagnosis to pass on to her. Personally, I'd rather hear news like this from a loved one in the privacy of my own home instead of in a sterile doctor's office. Plus, this way no one was taking horrible pictures of her post-cry while leaving