
If it works like the GPS that comes up when I use maps, it's really not that useful. I've had my phone tell me I'm crossing the Hudson moving east, while sitting still in a parking lot in upper Manhattan. Plus, she was in an apartment building that's probably surrounded by other apartment buildings. Even if 911

I just looked up at a book shelf and realized that the on hardcover book on a shelf is Dancing with Dragons. It looks very out of place.

I had never heard of a sinus migraine, but I get sinus issues a lot. I expected to be given a prescription for a nose spray, not antibiotics. They didn't do anything anyway. My head still hurts and has since last Sunday night. Any advice for what I should say to the doctor to get a correct diagnosis, assuming this

Sounds like she has a really great attitude. The need for outside support really depends on the child, the family, and the severity of the diagnosis. I wish that I had someone outside of my family that I could have talked to about my brother and my life when I was a kid, but he was really severely disabled and life

That sounds like a great high school. I wish mine had given out college prep guides, although a good chunk of the parents were well aware of how to get their perfect children into great colleges.

I have a friend like that. We'll plan to meet at a specific time, in her neighborhood, and I'm on time and she's 30+ minutes late. We don't hang out often, partially because I'm always annoyed at having to wait for her to show up. Try to plan to meet somewhere you can hang out by yourself while you wait like a

I hate getting sick. I've had a headache since Sunday night. I missed student teaching on Monday and Friday, class on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and am miserable. I went to the doctor on Thursday and was told that I have a sinus migraine and she put me on antibiotics. I had never heard of a sinus migraine so I

So much doggy to love!

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who would do that. My choices of dog names for a dachshund are either Oscar or Nathan.

My husband is missing number 2 and while he likes animals he doesn't feel a desire to ever have a pet. I'm still sure that one day I might convince him to let me get a dog.

That's great. My dad will never own an MP3 player. He never got into transporting his favorite music with him. In the car he listens to the radio, one of maybe three or four stations. On the train he reads the paper or does crosswords. On flights he reads or does crosswords. He doesn't even own a television,

I've been forced to sit through more than one class session about this in graduate school. I wouldn't complain, but the teacher always takes over our computers so we can't do other stuff during the class.

I once explained to my grandmother what an ipod is. I tried explaining it by comparing it to a collection of CDs only to be told by my dad that his parents never owned any CDs, or cassettes. They had records and never evolved beyond that. Of course, she used to own a computer and did use the internet. I'm not sure

My lovely Nana told me I was wasting my time by going to graduate school. Nevermind that I'm required to go through grad school for my career. Of course, this is the same woman who told me that by the time I get married I'll be too old to have kids. I got married just after my 30th birthday. Thanks Nana.

I thought the same thing until I was halfway through the original article.

I think it's because, at least in my case, my man likes my body more than I do a lot of the time, so he's not so afraid of new styles. If I'm having a bad day I think that everything looks terrible on me, but he always thinks I look beautiful.

This should have been an easy week, but it's been rather nuts and I'm tired of it. No student teaching Monday and Tuesday, no grad classes other than my Friday seminar, and then Purim tonight. Instead of being relaxed, I'm frustrated at my student teaching site and the unhelpful comments from my cooperating

I found articles about that after posting but didn't bother editing my original post. I think my original point was that as far as I know, Home Makeover picked people who really needed actual help, and on the surface it seems as though they do give some help. It's still better than creating "perfect" clones out of

I wasn't actually referring to any makeup used, but the cut of the clothes. The build of these models meant that the dresses that would have ridiculous cleavage on some women showed off the bare sternums of these women. What's so great about a bare sternum?

Same here. When we go clothes shopping together, he tends to pick out things that I would have ignored that end up looking great on me. There's nothing wrong with letting your partner give you fashion advice.