Not The F8 of the Furious? The SVP of Marketing Puns over at Universal really fucked up this time.
Not The F8 of the Furious? The SVP of Marketing Puns over at Universal really fucked up this time.
Meh, this isn’t really impressive. It’s just jury rigging a car to barely function, call me when they get on the Junkyard Wars level of ingenuity.
I am hoping but doubting that this approach catches on. Everything is insanely fast now. A new Camry will destroy an old 911. What we need right now is more attention to fun and less attention to numbers.
Meh I actually kind of like it. He seems to be saying that no one who buys this would ever be able to drive it at 10/10's anyway so why prove that the car ca do x time? It is about the feeling, not about the speed around the track. he also had a nice dig at the P1/918 for not having a V12.
So the clutch pedal wasn’t getting grounded to the ground?
When I’m pushing a shopping cart around the grocery store this is exactly the exhaust note I hear in my head. Good on ya!
Girl ended up with two black eyes from enthusiastic 1st to 2nd shifts?
That particular parking lot is near my home, and I’ve done...ahem...*practical experiments* in cars with quicker acceleration capabilities than the Delorean in question. Not doable.
The DeLorean was known for a lot of things. Speed was not one of them. Underpowered even by early 1980s standards,…
I was just making a joke. All my dealings with that company have been a waste of my time. My money isn't going to supporting them.
I actually saw another video from that trip a few days ago, when he went fast instead of sideways. I have to admit, 8.26 is pretty good for a 30+ year old Toyota Cressida.
For me it was the FRS. I remember driving to the local Toyota/Scion dealer with a bit of excitement, which was promptly shattered when they couldn't find anyone on the lot that knew how to drive a manual so they could remove it from their display pad. I had to do that part myself. Once I got out on the road, the…
Yeah, but it works for houses. We modified the bathroom with a new toilet and put some plants in the front yard and now the house is worth $20,000 more or something like that.
Party-related announcements coming closer to the party, but let's just say you're going to want to be there!
Next time, please add an NSFW tag to that.