I think in qualifying they sometimes disabled the wastegate and just ran as much boost as the thing could make
I think in qualifying they sometimes disabled the wastegate and just ran as much boost as the thing could make
And with the return of the 8 series.... 2020 will mark the return of the Z8.
Honda’s Indycar engines are winning...go steal a couple of those guys to work on the F1 engines...
Ahh yes, that fantastic era where at full lock the outside wheel gained 5 degrees of positive camber and looked like it was about to fold over lol
I’m not sure if someone commented about this... I don’t want to skim through 1000 comments.... but for your M20 you can rotate the filter housing 180 degrees so that the filter is facing the front of the motor and then just adjust the oil cooler lines slightly to reconnect them. It’s a pretty common mod for people…
E30 with a 2.8L M20 stroker. Has old Bavauto long tube headers into a single 2.5" with vibrant resonator and muffler.
Well at least it’s not a full mongrel...
Both the old one and the new one :)
To me it looks like he had time to lift and get that thing back into his lane if he wanted to but from the down the line view it honestly looks like he didn’t see that barrier until he hit it. It probably doesn’t help that the end of the barrier looks to be a shade of grey that probably blends in a bit with the track,…
You have to check and adjust immediately after you come off the track while everything has its heat memory. If you do it before each session after everything has had a chance to soak, normalize and cool down it will not help you very much.
Did you check your tire pressures when hot? Certain track layouts can definitely be harder on one side of the car than the other, but if your hot tire pressures are set correctly, the tire should still wear fairly evenly. I’ve made this mistake before when I forgot my pressure gauge, I ran a lapping day without…
I would like to jump on this M20 band wagon... here’s mine :)
C’mon man... for $5k... swap in a Subaru EJ motor... and drift it.
Son goals: Buy Dad his dream car when he only has about 5yrs of driving left in him and then hope he gives the car to me when he can’t drive anymore. #winning
It’s funny because I was listening to Q on CBC radio a while back and during commercial they have celebrity shout outs for the show and they had one from deadmau5 when he was on the show and he was like “Hi this is deadmau five and you’re listening to Q on CBC radio...”. I guess he was just trolling?
Bring back the Mosport GP!
Don’t get me wrong, Nakai-san is a master of his craft, but c’mon... like how many build documentaries do we need of a Japanese guy cutting up and screwing body kits onto 911's? I thought it was enough after the second one. On second thought... I’d rather watch this than the Kardashians... keep ‘em coming.