
I’ve never been below master, what’s it like down there.

I won a few of my placement matches as Junkrat. One of the matches, the enemy team had Road/Rein/Orisa. I went Junk and ended gold damage since he’s an uber tank buster. If you can actually aim your shit, that is.

I wish people were more nice up here, but I would rather someone not say anything at all than keep saying “it’s just a game”. If it’s just a game, go play QP/Arcade and learn the actual rules of the game.

People get sleep before they game, one of the biggest changes I’ve noticed.

Plat’s always been fun for me and I think it’s where folks start to experiment a little more with comps and heroes. Gold has felt rigid, which has tossed me into a lot of different roles but also means folks aren’t really counter picking.

I’ve never been below Diamond, how is it like down there?

Wow for an HD remake to make your top list... this really was the shittiest E3 in recent history


LOL wow that’s the most intelligent thing that you’ve commented thus far. Great job. Have a good rest of your Pokemon-Sun/Moon-on-Switch-less day.

Uh-huh, yeah, cool.

So what’s that got to with you getting mad because they didn’t fulfill your dreams / wishes?

I can’t tell if you’ve got *pretty* writing for a self-absorbed 8-year old or you’re an autistic 30 yr old — either way you’re in the wrong and it’s only your fault.

No, not really. Just not an obsessive self centered “gamer” who doesn’t understand even the basics of the gaming industry.

I heard of the direct last night, came in to work today, forgot about it, remembered during break while I was browsing kotaku and said to myself “Oh, that’s a thing” and then moved on. Yeah, I’ll

He’s one of those gamers that doesn’t understand how games are made, or the hierarchy. He’s just entitled to whatever he thinks up in his head or reads on 4chan.

You hyped yourself. Don’t even kid yourself or you wouldn’t be here writing multiple replies to people out of anger because an 8 minute vid didn’t fulfill your deepest unknown desires. Suck it down, baby.

What’s up your ass? Expecting some sort of PKMN Stars 4chan leak for switch to be true? Silly boy

Over a hundred people favorited your post, and a hand full of snowflakes are complaining.

I wouldn’t wanna work at Blizzard, most of all on Overwatch. Probably can’t take a piss without someone getting offended about it.

My guess, a bunch of new anniversary items and a chance to get skins and such from all previous events. That’s what I’m hoping for, at least.

Usually it’s when they have a side-team focusing solely on DLC / Microtransactions / in-game events / not base game

i hate EA and all subsidiaries and think anyone who bought ME:A after the shitpile of muck that was ME3 is a total moron. But to each their own. 

Try to justify your purchase any way you want - you still gave money to EA, troglodyte