lol, “shovelware machine”. You fucking jackass.
lol, “shovelware machine”. You fucking jackass.
Dick physics are on-point in that game.
Dante’s Inferno’s Final Boss does some dong swinging..
I promise to not take any ridiculous post very seriously. Kinda like how I’m guessing, or at least hoping, that you’re not taking my exaggerations too seriously.
40$? This is a steal, especially when comparing to PS+.
PS+ is just garbage tier. At this point I think the Switch online services are/will be more worth it
40$? This is a steal, especially when comparing to PS+.
PS+ is just garbage tier. At this point I think the Switch…
oh pls dont take those posts seriously
They did with Abzu and TFTBL
Yeah pretty much. You’re getting a good yet short indie game that came out just months ago, and your putting your opinion of Tales ftBL above what others might think of it. And from what I’ve read, it’s decent. And then there’s the point that you most likely would have a PS Plus subscription whether the games came…
Abzu is great. I bought it some time ago and have played it several times.
Yeah, it’s kinda causing the Xbox fanboys to act out. Hence this guy.
Your names are legion, there are multitudes of “that guy” wandering the internet, drooling, and typing poorly thought out opinions.
“Indie Shovelware” -yepyepyepmhm
lul ok
I never asked for this
I’m gonna need a source on that
You never asked for one until this comment.
Yeah, he just said “Wake me up when they make an actual product like Last of Us 2"
So I pay for a service and receive less than the competitor’s offer and that’s entitlement? They’ve got another month to redeem themselves before I return my useless paperweight / netflixbox or make one of those Drop Test videos.
Hey EVERYBODY! It’s that guy! I found him! That guy is here!
maybe Sony should step it up and match Xbox