

It does when we win because of it. Which is what happened. Our DPS was lacking and so killed everything. Tanks, DPS, Healers, shit didn’t matter - my Junk was on-point that game :)

Aw still salty.

Oh that’s very true! Im gonna keep an eye on mine as well.

ok but this is a post that i clicked where a writer, Heather, talks about dropping to Gold.

That, and anywhere you ask you’ll get different stories from people who’ve had different experiences.

But yeah, get good and all that

From what I’ve heard, to get yourself out of that rut you’ve gotta duo queue with a friend and both have to carry. Sounds like you’re experiencing that. But to do it consistently? That’s not just skill - that’s matchmaking RNG on top of it. I hope the best for you bud, it’s a little easier after that bump — but then

lol maybe. I won a match last night with 0 tanks 4 DPS 2 Healers, so you never know! 3200 on that account.

Just came back to say: Look at you now! Looks like Nintendy was a step ahead of ya ;)

Diamond is like the cusp of being nice looking. Them shineys though :>

Oh yeah, I know 100%. Just said that cause someone said “Too many junkrats”, he can be extremely viable vs tanks (not always dva/zarya obviously). I also had gold elim + obj kills— though I NEVER mention that. Cause it’s useless. I killed enemies and barely died, to the point my mercy was pocketing me. I’m not a gold

I don’t take QP or Arcade seriously though! It’s a very different mind set. Also, that’s why it’s called Competitive.

It’s like in soccer, sure they’re having fun while playing but they’re playing to win. You don’t see them walking around picking flowers while they’re supposed to be scoring goals.

I won a few of my placement matches as Junkrat. One of the matches, the enemy team had Road/Rein/Orisa. I went Junk and ended gold damage since he’s an uber tank buster. If you can actually aim your shit, that is.

I wish people were more nice up here, but I would rather someone not say anything at all than keep saying “it’s just a game”. If it’s just a game, go play QP/Arcade and learn the actual rules of the game.

oops wrong person

One of my friends in real life is in Gold and tells me stories of 5 DPS + Lucio comps... working.

I can’t wrap my head around this one, only assuming the enemy teams must be new to videogames in general.

Sounds fucking awful.
Currently in 3800 where if someone starts talking about “Having fun” I will leave the chat.

I’ve never been below Diamond, how is it like down there?

Yes, in jail

Was it really though? She didn’t add anything to the plot at all. Her dying doesn’t do anything either - the characters’ motivations right now is on Eleven and that’s it. No one really cares about Barb except a niche cult on the internet.

Wow for an HD remake to make your top list... this really was the shittiest E3 in recent history