
Just watched ep 7 last night — it was a bit of a left turn, but I liked it. Is it that that people are complaining about or is it the episodes after it?

I read all of your sous-vide articles, but this chicken wing one might be the one that finally gets me to actually buy the damn thing! Well done.

Really, you’re still mad about that whole Trump thing?

Very clear homages to The Shining with the opening. Esmail’s love of Kubrick continues.

That FBI reveal was a pretty big one no? We’ve had hints there may be someone on the inside, like the FBI massacre in China, but the identity was never revealed.

I enjoyed this. It was a filling-in-the-blanks episode but still well done. The Trump moment felt a little shoehorned in.

What’s the worst that can happen?

They actually give you a high 100k salary.

Then you go and binge purchase all the stuff you ever wanted.

Then you get targeted by a jealous neighbor who then robs you.

Then you move to the wrong neighborhood.

Then you meet a person pretending to be your friend who then gets you hooked on

I’d say 1/3 is screaming, 1/3 is encouraging it and 1/3 is in the corner trying to pretend everything will be fine or the  “I stay out of politics” camp.

No one is wearing a white hat, but there’s a huge difference between being flawed, and killing for fun.

The bottom line is Maggie brokered a deal to take out Negan’s outpost thinking it was the entire group in return for food from Hilltop. Rick and Company decided to ruthlessly murder a group that did not specifically target them like paid mercenaries. To add icing on the cake, when leftover folks from that outpost

it was Rick’s “brilliant” plan a couple of seasons ago of attacking the Comedian’s, uh, Negan’s satellite site and cold-bloodedly murder the people inside. IE: thus rightfully incur Negan’s wrath.

How many times are they going to have a solid shot at Negan and not take it?

Maggie gets skinnier as she gets pregnanter.

I was much higher on last week’s episode than you but I’d say that I agree on this episode’s grade (especially since you seem to be grading on a curve against what the show can truly be at it’s VERY best). It was more table setting but effective table setting as it set up new stakes, brought up old consequences and

Detroit is awesome. Your take is tired and shitty.

Little Caesars’s COLISEUM! Hello?!?!?!

You’ve already dropped the branding and nicknamed it something unrelated to little caesars, that’s exactly why. It wasn’t the lawyers, it was the marketers.

Cosplaying as chairs.

Holy motherforking shirtballs, that was unexpected. Every little thing we doubted or thought was unclear, was actually a clue. Well done.

“Look at that loser standing there with a bat on his shoulder. What a disaster. Dangerous, horrible looking person. And that moron with the mask and protective gear on. What the hell is he on about? Looks menacing. Probably celebrating a rape. Now he’s running toward that hero standing on the pitcher’s mound! Look