
At this point, I don’t think Santa is a strictly Christian thing. This just seems like a nice way to keep a nice tradition moving in a family. Including a growing child in the tradition and giving them the sense of being on the inside. This isn’t insisting they buy into a few-thousand-years-old book and stop wearing

Oh, you mean like an elastic hairband? Got ya.

I used to totally agree re: no costume, but then I read a thing about how some children are autistic or otherwise have sensory issues that make dressing up highly uncomfortable, if not unbearable. That and having lived in both Chicago and Detroit proper, I have come across many kids with parents who either couldn’t

As a Cubs fan, I see very few people turning on Joe. So... no, we’ll keep him.

I believe it was mold count in the air, not mold in the hotel. But that’s lame AF, because as of yesterday the mold counts were equal in DC and Chicago. Either way, Dusty has proven he is not a championship caliber coach and I am amazed he keeps being hired to be one.

A Chicken Select by any other name is a welcome return to the menu.

I believe that was ended early by Peter Thiel by means of the Hulked Hogan.

30 Rock alone is enough to make me reconsider my subscription. That is my go -to and I have felt empty since that ominous little banner first displayed on my screen.

This is perhaps the strangest promotional video for an otherwise (seemingly) legitimate product I have ever seen.

This is perhaps the strangest promotional video for an otherwise (seemingly) legitimate product I have ever seen.

They pulled it together in the second half or so, but it was too late to save it :-(

Amazing how such a smart man could be so remarkably, blindly, stupid to ever have gotten on board with this disaster.

Stars for Sheinhardt Wig Company.

As a Cubs fan, I wanted Baker. Sure it would be awful to lose to his team, but there would be nothing better than knowing he was front and center as the Cubs clinched a World Series spot against him.

I definitely read that as John Helicopter.

The FeedZone books are the best. Great recommendation!

If you’re like me, you head out to run errands only to get back home and realize there’s at least one thing you forgot to do.

I got it and I thought it was goddamned hilarious.

My Wii U was up-and-running Mario Kart within 30 minutes. #ThanksMario

Obvious because Apple Pay only works with iPhone 6 or newer.