
I picked these up last year, too. Highly recommend them to anyone considering. I just ordered another set; thanks for posting!

I picked these up last year, too. Highly recommend them to anyone considering. I just ordered another set; thanks

TGT, I've had mine over a year and love it everyday.

I have been laughing out loud to this for several minutes now.

How dare this company not make clothes for me! How dare they, I say! This and all apparel companies should be required to provide clothing in any and all sizes worn by persons within a 25-mile radius of each of their physical locations! Grumble grumble grumble!

I was down home in Alton this weekend and drank a few Stags. Sometimes, I wish we could get that in Chicago. And by sometimes, I mean rarely and usually when I'm already drunk.

25. Yuengling. Why are people so into Yuengling? It's quite popular among the Pennsylvania ex-pat community, which is odd given that the beer sucks and Pennsylvanians don't strike me as an excessively prideful or self-important lot.

Ugh. That ad is awful. I get chills. Then I remember '03 and just get depressed.

I'm up at Clark & Montrose, but I can't help but feel as though, against my better judgement, I'll be right there in the masses (though avoiding the jackassery). The real dream, I suppose, is to be there and then absolutely refuse to leave the stadium until they physically remove me. Then again, might be even worse

I figured that would help to clear up any ambiguity as to whether or not I really meant "if." Which I did not. I mean when. Sadly it will be several years (at best) until we get to witness the glory of Wrigleyville go down in the bittersweet flames of celebration.

I love my city. But when the Cubs finally win the World Series, we're all screwed. I live about a mile from Wrigley Field, well within the riot-zone should this ever happen. Last night was crazy enough, be that will be apocalyptic. Then again, maybe I'll never know...

Zombies, Run! syncs with Runkeeper, so nothing to lose there. The "Zombies Chase Mode" (or something like that) has a bit of an intervals feel to it, as you have to speed up to avoid being caught by the Zombies and losing the gear you've collected on your run.

I always run the wires under my t-shirt when lifting to keep them safely out of the way.

I put one in for "Other" since, when my workout consists of running, I am usually listening to my "Zombies, Run!" app. I also checked "Music" (which is incorporated in to Zombies, Run!) and "Podcasts," fwiw.

I'm not denying the curiosity - obviously, I have it too. As I led with, I read just about every article that pops in my feed. The point isn't if it's natural, or normal, or common or whatever... nor is it why we read... The point is: do we really need to keep publishing these things? As long as it's out there, we'll

These stories are all incredibly disturbing and I read them all just like most everyone else here... but what do we really gain from knowing this? Do we need to know? Do the women who already suffered through so much really want us all to know - or does this just add to their pain?

I've used LoseIt and have lost (as of today) 58.8lbs since August 7th - LoseIt was a huge part of helping me get this far and I cannot recommend it enough.

My wife and I both, literally, laughed out loud to that. Somewhere, someone responsible for buying ads for KFC got pretty pissed off at that.

That was the most soul-crushing gallery I think I've ever seen. We're better than this, America....

I'd have to guess that it's because he actually does love and value his family. Add that fact to his increasing psychopathy and he probably sees everything he's doing as beneficial to his family. "Old Walt" was poorly paid and barely able to provide for his family, under-appreciated, and most likely depressed.

The fact that the Aztec reminded us from where he comes is the very reason it needed to go: it reminded Walt, too. Walt no longer has interest in his former self and is expelling him from his life, just as he did {Not Minor Spoiler Alert} Gus.