
erm...Santa isn’t particularly Christian. I’m a full-on atheist and I’m still a) celebrating christmas because it’s an awesome holiday and b) telling my son about Santa because Santa is a beautiful myth.

I truly do not understand how this was a twist at all, bad or otherwise. It was a pretty clear character decision, not done for shock. When she met with Hannah, Hannah specifically said, “why didn’t you try harder to find me?” After being ripped away from her again, there was no fucking way she would leave Hannah in


Dismissing this could create a slippery slope.

This will go all the way to the Court of Appeals.

Now playing

Or Britta Perry’s torrid romance with Subway on Community:

Or the Verizon episode. Tina Fey, directly down the camera: “Can we have our money now?”

I can’t believe no one mentioned the Diet Snapple episode of 30 Rock.

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

So essentially:

Find and replace m -> w :)

That’s an unfortunate interview for sure, but if it helps (with what I have no idea as you’re certainly under obligation to like Bob Dylan), he has said a great deal in praise of many female artists. He’s helped raise the profiles of historic, influential performers like Sister Rosetta Tharpe and contemporary ones

She tried to claim she was unable to hear what he was saying, which is a bizarre excuse because that’s not how sound works, Winona.

The long game is bullshit, though. The long game gets you Donald Trump, and a Republican controlled Congress that has more power than ever to fuck you over, with a Surpreme Court that is unlikely to pursue a liberal agenda.

So if your choice is between a guaranteed and unwanted ass reaming, or things possibly getting better or, at worst, staying the same, you’d rather sit that decision out and let fate decide? That is some grade A stupidity.

That flyer is stupid but as I argued with people who let their emotions cloud their better judgment in the 2016 election: voting is not about your feelings.

Relevant: Less gossip, but I saw this on FB yesterday and laughed. In only 12 hours!?