
Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

You can’t go wrong with J.K. Simmons.

I’m sure that they are thinking of this as a franchise. That means about a 10 year commitment from the actor. 45 might be a tight fit, but 55 is way to old.

In the first 3 games Nathan Drake is roughly in his early 30s. In A Thief’s End he’s around early to mid 40s. In that games epilogue he’s in his 50s.

Back in the 50s, when a dime was still worth a lot of candy, my sister and I used to keep a butter knife next to our piggy banks.

Hot water heaters are not really more effecient, they are just doing the last bit of work that something else almost done. Like that last piece of straw that broke the camels back.

“For the very low, one-time price of $5 (price and payment frequency subject to change), WE will connect YOU to our PERSONALIZED shopper helper EXPERIENCE. This service, delivered PERSONALLY to you by email, offers suggestions just for YOU (based on what we would most like to sell ANYBODY at that time, buyer

Don’t ever pay to be marketed to.

Bullshit. Bullshit

I’m of the “data” mindset, I mean they’re stored in a PC...

Have you been to Banks’ wikipedia page?

I’ve never had a tin hat, but I’m about to make one. This is creepy af.

If Mitt had waited 4 years he’d have this one in the bag.

Yeah, def not trump, but the Democratic primaries were fubar, and HRC knew/was behind it. Kind of a shame that Trump is such a dumpster fire that no one can look away from, because HRC should be catching shit for hiring Debbie Wasserman-Schultz after she made no effort to be impartial in the primaries.

This is useful information, regardless of what commenters are saying, thanks Patrick! :P

God dammit, I just read his comment and yours.

God dammit. I read this entire fucking comment.

I was kind of surprised to see that no one mentioned that beef is one of the not-so-good meats to eat if you’re trying (as the US is) to reduce your per capita or national carbon emissions.

Is now a good time to talk about the economic, environmental, and health benefits of reducing our meat consumption?