
Doesn’t look like anything to me.

What ever would we do without grammar nitpickers in the comments.

Tony Stank? Haha.

You don’t know that.

Maeve had a mrsa infection in one episode, how do you suppose that’s not hazardous to the techs.

Forget the platforming as well. Hookers and booze provide enough of their own obstacles.

It’s tacos, game over.

Same in her 90's but I was poor.

Eww. Just stop it both of you.

Eww. Just stop it both if you.


Heather Mills, nuff said the guys a douche.

This is the equivalent of Valve releasing an image of the number 3. Rockstar better cough up a cowboy game soon or there’s going to be a riot.

Ha, “building a new one soon,” aren’t we all.

You would be well within your rights.

Why would you do that.

She had to search out copy and paste those lyrics, is that not more of a trigger than just hearing the song name referenced? Drama.

Yes because he's not a Pokemon you idiot.

Hot water heaters are much more efficient, though that is massively offset by the need for the water to be heated prior to being heated.

THAT DOG STORY THOUGH!! I seriously believe these allegations based on his own admissions with his fucking crazy dog.