it’s not, that’s like saying the human eye can only see 30fps, it’s a load of horse shit
it’s not, that’s like saying the human eye can only see 30fps, it’s a load of horse shit
Except that, it’s true. Look it up. Then you come back and post with your sh!t cut.
Except that, it’s true. Look it up. Then you come back and post with your sh!t cut.
I went to my children’s school last week for an event, and now I am sick as a dog. Dry nose and everything. Children are horrible monsters
You ok buddy?
Jesus Christ...who put a YouTube comment in here....
I’m going to buy this and drive an hour up to my parents house and use their landline to make the long-distance phone call to Redmond Washington. They’re going to be pissed just like they were 25 years ago.
Back in the 50s, when a dime was still worth a lot of candy, my sister and I used to keep a butter knife next to our piggy banks.
Hot water heaters are not really more effecient, they are just doing the last bit of work that something else almost done. Like that last piece of straw that broke the camels back.
“For the very low, one-time price of $5 (price and payment frequency subject to change), WE will connect YOU to our PERSONALIZED shopper helper EXPERIENCE. This service, delivered PERSONALLY to you by email, offers suggestions just for YOU (based on what we would most like to sell ANYBODY at that time, buyer…
Don’t ever pay to be marketed to.
Bullshit. Bullshit
I’m of the “data” mindset, I mean they’re stored in a PC...
This is useful information, regardless of what commenters are saying, thanks Patrick! :P
i would get smashed and then fuck in the ballpit i know im not the only one so there are totally going to be lotsa people actually doing just that
But how will they disinfect the balls? Wouldn’t this go against health regulations for a bar/restaurant?