
They are not losing money, they are lying.

You do realize its 50 GB per month across 4 lines.. or about 12.5 GB per month per line?.. which is nothing.. please.. I average about 15 - 20 without tethering or video streaming.

I hit 50+ GB every month without tethering. One line

4 lines and 50gb between them is about 12.5gb each. Not much at all really.

Start your web browser, go into the settings menu, and find the option to ‘clear cookies’.

Oh boy.


it’s not, that’s like saying the human eye can only see 30fps, it’s a load of horse shit

it’s not, that’s like saying the human eye can only see 30fps, it’s a load of horse shit

Except that, it’s true. Look it up. Then you come back and post with your sh!t cut.

Except that, it’s true. Look it up. Then you come back and post with your sh!t cut.

Do you miss Gawker?

Nobody cares about this. Have some self awareness Giz, this is just getting awkward.

I went to my children’s school last week for an event, and now I am sick as a dog. Dry nose and everything. Children are horrible monsters

In terms of animal cruelty, this is about on the same level as putting shoes on your dog:

You ok buddy?

Jesus Christ...who put a YouTube comment in here....

This was just locker room talk, what a bunch of crybabies.

Whatever it’s an excuse to discuss Westworld. I’ll take it.


I’m going to buy this and drive an hour up to my parents house and use their landline to make the long-distance phone call to Redmond Washington. They’re going to be pissed just like they were 25 years ago.