
i would get smashed and then fuck in the ballpit i know im not the only one so there are totally going to be lotsa people actually doing just that

But how will they disinfect the balls? Wouldn’t this go against health regulations for a bar/restaurant?

.... probably.

You should do this.

Yes Polynesian Demi-gods are as real as Caucasian Vampires. One is in this “hypothetical brown face” that no one has _actually_ seen but the PC police are already crying in their “safe-space” about, the other is in white face, pictured above.

Devils advocate, cause, why not?

But Romanian Nobility was real.

Maui isn’t real, unless you’re talking about the place named after him.


This doesn’t bother me. It’s a celebration of another culture, not a put down. I do want to know when we’re going to stop appropriating vampire culture, though.

Why do you need to heat water that is already hot? My water heater heats cold water.

Piney basically ells you everything you need to know about glass as a person. He’s an unhygenic dweeb who neglects the safety of others about his dog... so why wouldn’t he be the same way about his apartment?

The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.

The reallist shit you’ve ever said Mike.

Thanks Mike. From all the dev team. :D

The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.

This is why I’m different than other people. I will not sell this to some one, who doesn’t LOVE it.

Yeah, that too. And the ‘98 Emmerich movie relied heavily on the fact that Midtown Manhattan’s skyscrapers dwarfed the creature, so that it could elude the military by hiding among them (which wasn’t a very convincing claim, considering that it was still a gigantic mutant iguana, but they did make it a major plot

That was in the US “Godzilla,” too. In the preview, there’s a pan through a destroyed city, in which there’s a building wrecked like that.

Math and I aren’t good friends, but my brain tells me that if you cut each pigeon in half and then put half of each pigeon in each hole, no hole will have two pigeons.