
Uncomfortable especially in high doses is how I would describe it, a bump or two to keep the party going sure. But anyone who wants to do piles of that shit is fucking whacky. And crack is highly overrated.

If masturbation is that complicated for you than I feel sorry for your partners.

And I’m the asshole when I say, “No honey that doesn’t look romantic it looks like a fucking death trap” I never want to do anything fun she says. Sorry but hot air balloons and cruise ships are the hobbies of lemmings.

He easily could have taken the blatantly obvious racial angle for his joke, at least he wasn’t offensive with his insensitivity.

I'm the same way with oxygen.


Great advice, next how about an article on shanks vs shivs. This is totally a prison workout.

Hahaha, I’ll bet you did good in school. The lesson I took from that? Give up your phone and don’t get gutshot. Or you know, the quick draw McGraw option sounds fun too.

Hence the comparison.

Wawa sandwiches are meh. Pretty much on par with subway. Am I crazy?

Nope, still does.

“Will blow your mind” ?!?!

Yea well, let’s be honest most of the people you know are kind of geeky.

Lols, I just pointed out to my friend that all the gyms in trashy areas in my town are controlled by valor.

Everything you need to know is detailed in the song “ I want to be Neenja” by Jennifer Murphy.

Ooh, ooh, it's a rug right? That's why you said that right?

I like to add some strawberries to a strawberry milkshake, I know it’s unconventional but it adds a quirky little kick to a classic milkshake!

You are now a hairless alcoholic Chewbacca.

Star for being fairly accurate mathematically! I too counted the fucks and shits and then compared them to those in the comment, you have validated my “OCD” tendencies.

Clearly your family does not rule and instead just has a bunch of nagging directives.