
“Bad person” lol. Hitler was a bad person.

It’s a baby arm holding up an apple.

Fairly definitive proof that Kotaku is the superior blog.

Your name combined with that avatar, for reasons I will not disclose, are making me extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

Reds ethnicity definitely comes up, what is just a passing line of conversation in the book, “why do the call you Red?” “Cus I’m Irish I guess.” Becomes a big joke in the movie. With the dynamic of Detta being the only black person in the group it definitely changes the tone a bit but not necessarily in a bad way.

That’s awesome, too bad about the eggs though, I hope he can fix that. Runny, soft boiled? Sounds just like the diarrhea that would follow such a poorly cooked egg.

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Full autonomy is the solution for all “SELF DRIVING” cars. Get rid of steering wheels on “self driving” vehicles. Not “all” vehicles. By implication that means that if you buy a self driving car it should be autonomous, but, and, oh fuck it. I think I’m being trolled by a grandpa. If you don’t get it it

It’s about comprehension. Nowhere in this article or the linked articles was there even a reference to banning self driven cars. Please someone, anyone, quote the line in this piece or the referenced articles where it’s suggested. Article says: self driving cars should be fully autonomous. You and apparently a few

Lol at your broke on Monday ass! Jk, maybe, idk.

Lol at your broke on Monday ass! Jk, maybe, idk.

Cue the flood of self indulgent bullshit...

Who’s taking away your car? I think the point if the article was that they should be full autonomous or not at all. Not a suggestion to take away all normal cars. No offense but that’s the same type of sensationalistic bullshit that the gun nuts are spouting. Why is everyone afraid that the government is going to take

Yes I see that the syntax is technically correct, but it was still a bit of a mind bender.

So you will relent when you see more vertical videos on YouTube?

That's fucking awesome in a sciencey way, but does this at all mean that Putin is more powerful now?

Are you begging me not to buy one just because you already bought the old one and now can’t afford the new one or am I missing a much more salient point in what you are saying? Because I’ve always been a pc guy but have also always had at least one or two (thanks to Nintendo) of the newest consoles, a gtx 1070 and a

They look really funny without their noses.

I was buying a mega can of Apple-ahhh-Rita and the young Spanish girl checking me out asked if I liked these, I said they taste like shit but at 8% alcohol it was worth it. And she countered by saying that she likes the small cans because they are stronger with alcohol. I said aren't they both 8%? She said yes but 8%


How does Gizmodo not at least mention Gizmo? If nothing else he is at least the most relevant superhero to this site.

Did someone say “blathering blatherskite?”