
And the security risk of carrying a pad if you are not actually menstruating is.....?

Preemptive shout-at to anyone who'd use that bullshit line: People in prison have families. It's punishment enough that their families can't be with their father/brother/husband, etc. — but to be straight-up afraid to visit them because of the guards? What the fuck?? And hell.. what's to stop them from doing this to a

I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.

I ... I can't ... but ... fuck.

It wasn't even until you said that I realized she was a *visitor*.

OK, what the holy Fuck is it going to take for the general populace of this Goddamn country to decide the police state and jail-complex is utterly out of its fucking mind? Holy Christ I know there's a chunk that will be all tough and say "what do you expect, she's going to visit a felon/criminal," but seriously, it's

Ten years ago, The Pike house at the tiny-ass west coast college I attended had a reputation for being the one that women were afraid to go to parties at.

At mt university (a big state school now known for it's shithead QB), Pike was actually referred to as "the rape frat." That was literally the first thing I heard about the "Greek Life" community when I transferred there. Their reputation hasn't really improved in the years since. :(

I know that PIKE likes to think of itself as a top tier frat. It also has a national reputation for being the roofie frat (known as being "sPIKEDd"). It was also the frat that had a huge sign on freshman move-in day at LittleLeft's college ... "Daughter Drop-Off" and "You Honk - We Drink". Not to mention the later

I found Vanderburg's mother's facebook, which is wide open; I'm surprised his legal team hasn't been more diligent about privacy. She's in full delusional mode, posting bible verses along with alternate theories and extenuating circumstances. For example: another woman supposedly bought all the alcohol for the

I didn't bother to read what they said because it's pretty clear what Fox News thinks of POC. This is what's frustrating about teaching white people about the experiences POC face. Many of them chose not to listen. They would rather pretend we live in a world where racism is no longer a problem and anyone who

Alternate Fox News approved course titles:

Please don't use the language of "alleged victim" — in no other crime is victimhood alleged. If you want to talk about an alleged perpetrator, fine. But alleged victim is an absurdity.

They find each other because there are lots of them, and they identify each other by saying disgusting things when in an all-male group. Not enough men have the spine to register their disgust by telling the men around them how wrong they are, and too many think it's a guy thing that guys do when they're being guys

I saw this last night on Gawker and threw up in my mouth a little. Like, jesus. The most gut-wrenching part is how he made her feel like she had to apologize to HIM for being so drunk. The most horrifying aspect to me is how he planned this - got her drunk, dragged her to a room, called people over, he even gave

"Ugh! You were raped by multiple men and I'm the one that set you up for that, but I'm gonna get kicked off the football team and that's just so not faaaaaiiiirr!"

Holy gaslighting rapist motherfuckers, Batman! This story just keeps getting worse & worse... how absolutely disgusting. I can't even imagine the feeling you must get when you have no memory of a time-period, and then see a video of yourself being gang-raped during that time-period. >_< Nauseating.

This case is just absolutely horrifying and terrible on so many levels. How is it that these types of sociopathic predators find each other? How is it that they are tolerated by their peers? They can't be so under the radar on their views/behaviors that other people don't actually know - how else would you get a group

Can you even imagine what it must be like to find out you were raped by seeing the event on video? I can't. My heart goes out to her.

The gaslighting of the girl was a nice touch, assholes.