
A few months ago, it was predicted that he'd sell $120 million in 2014. He's had a big year, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was more.

I used to be a varsity athlete. During one tournament, I had a lower-body injury and was not allowed to play, so my coach sent me to go do a light workout on an arm ergometer (which is like a stationary bike for your upper body). I was sitting on a stability ball working away on the arm ergometer when a song came on

Airplanes are a special level of lack-of-accommodation hell for people with disabilities. I've seen flight attendants refuse to transfer someone off a flight in a Washington chair and say they should just crawl, airlines lose someone's wheelchair (which should be impossible given that it's the last thing loaded on the

I guess it depends on the area. I've been trying to find a spin class that doesn't suck under $30 a class (or like $260 a month) and haven't had much luck. I made the mistake of getting a Groupon for a high-end one, falling in love with it, and now am having trouble going back to the "bored instructor in the dank

Why do people have Great Gatsby weddings? Art deco, I get. But why on earth would you theme your wedding around a book that criticizes the glittery, empty lives of the rich and ends in heartbreak and suicide? Was the wedding, by chance, a pool party?

I have zero sympathy for celebrities bitching about how hard it is to be a celebrity while continuing to benefit from participating in celebrity culture. You want a normal life? Move to New Mexico like Julia Roberts did. Move to a little village in France like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt did. Go to a place where

Why would "squeezing in a gay character 'just because" be something that only female authors do?

I'm a novelist of the lady-parts-having variety and it astounds me how many guys who I consider friends and who are well-read and have university degrees will not read my novels because they don't read books written by female authors. It's astonishing to me how many will flat-out ask me justify why they should read my

Hear that? That's the sound of silence coming from all your Facebook friends who gleefully posted his original Facebook post offering sympathy, from all the MRA dicks who came rushing to his defense, from all the assholes who threatened and harassed the woman who wrote that blind-item article about this a year ago.

That Sandra Chelli woman who makes all the gypsy brides' wedding dresses is kicking herself for not thinking of this first. She'll just have to make her own out of Swarvoski crystals and enter the Guiness World Book of Records for 'first wedding dress to blind the pilots of aircraft' and 'first wedding dress to be

Most people who have a close friend accused of rape find that, looking back, there were plenty of clues. Research shows that rapists tend to rape within their social circle, and they often get away with it because their friends are uncomfortable with lesser behaviour but never say anything. The victim thinks the

All this helpless throwing up of hands: "What do you do?" "What could you possibly do?" "We shouldn't even talk about it because it's all so confusing and upsetting and without a conviction I can't possibly believe my friend would ever..."


Wow, that is an impressive number of prejudices rolled into one story. Can we say that Michael LaVaughn Robinson actually dropped out of football to become a woman because he was so upset about losing a leg, just to get a little bit of abelism in there? When will Michelle Obama release her X-rays to show that she has

Yeah, absolutely. It's not like the existence of Roe vs. Wade means that there are roving feral abortionists prowling the streets looking for pregnant women.

I know they're pretty interchangeable, but this post is from Jessa Duggar (whose fiance Ben Seewald was recently seen wearing a shirt that says 'I survived Roe vs. Wade. Roe vs. Wade won't survive me' GAG GAG GAG) not Jill Duggar. Jessa Duggar is the formerly snarky one with the A+ eyeliner game who has now been tamed

That's why they renamed it. It's no longer The Learning Channel, it's just TLC. Three random letters that have nothing to do with learning.

I do not object to some size inflation on account of the fact that women have gotten bigger over the past 40 years, not only in girth but also in height and musculature. What I do object to is inconsistency. Example: I was recently in Banana Republic Factory and tried on 2 styles of jeans: 1 was straight leg and 1 was

This fits in with my long-running theory that whenever someone starts posting on his/her SO's Facebook wall, the relationship is doomed. My theory is that if you're close to your SO, you'd usually just talk to the person about the article/image macro in person, or share it through FB messenger. The only reason you'd

I like the "Doc Brown hair"-style bathing cap on the woman in the bottom middle. Great Scott!