
I've never done SoulCycle but I am hooked on spin classes because:

I believe that one study out of Purdue University found that diet sodas break the connection between sweet taste and calories in the brain and therefore interfere with the body's natural ability to judge calorie content. Another study also found that the body isn't amazing at recognizing calories in liquid form.

I watched this episode and I am legitimately disappointed that Jessa Duggar seems to have gotten over her annoyance at Boring Jerkface Ben and is staring up at him with more than Christian-side-hugs in her eyes. You were the chosen one, Jessa! You were supposed to escape and let your snark fly free!

I also work for a disability organization and I maintain that this is a problem that stems from the systemic injustices/prejudices about people with disabilities. I know a lot of PWDs (people w/ disabilities) who are pro-life, which is definitely not my stance, but I can empathize with the position of feeling devalued

People always look at me strangely when I say that Stephen Merchant is my ultimate celebrity crush, but there is something to be said for a very intelligent man who writes consistently excellent comedy and flies just under the radar. Plus, I have a thing for gangly gingers.

Aaand now I'm going to have that "Baby Monkey" song stuck in my head forever. Baby monkey, baby monkey, riding...forward on a monkey.

And hacking and releasing someone's private photos is also illegal. The point is that you can't say that you value privacy when it impacts you, then suddenly not value privacy when you want fap material.

The nudes have been all over Reddit as well as 4Chan. And the Reddit threads (which I'm not going to link to to avoid giving the Imgur album any more publicity) are full of people calling this guy the hero Reddit deserves and saying she must have wanted them leaked etc. etc.

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

No one is arguing that polio is good, or that we shouldn't wipe polio off the face of the Earth. I do think, however, that we need to be careful in equating 'polio' (or any disability) to 'a horrible life.' You can hate the disease and talk about its damaging effects without succumbing to these harmful narratives.

Just chiming in to say that people with physical disabilities caused by diseases like polio, meningitis etc. often lead very productive, meaningful lives in the same way that people with autism lead productive, meaningful lives. It's important to highlight the risks of not vaccinating children, but let's not do it at

Still waiting for: "Studies show that alcohol increases the chances of a rapist raping. Therefore it's important for our fine young men to not drink to avoid raping people."

I liked Marquel until "Bachelor in Paradise" where he became weirdly judgemental about all the women there. He super-condescendingly explained to one girl that he wasn't interested in her because she liked to drink...while he himself had a drink in his hand...on a show whose entire premise is "hot people drinking in

Yup, I'd wager I'm the only person in the world with my name, and I'm super Google stalkable. When I was single, it would make for awkward first dates because guys would magically know everything about me.

It's not (a real) delivery, it's Dujuornae!

It used to be called "Tall Girl." I would have loved to be in the room to hear the marketing geniuses at that work on that name change. "Now, what we really need to appeal to the hip, modern gal on the go is a name that...uh...comes from a Little Richard song from 1957 about an adulterer! Perfect! Boom!"

It seems like that with every specialty market. Long Tall Sally, the terribly named and equally terribly overpriced store for tall women, is obsessed with animal print. I am 6 foot 2. Why on earth would I wear a giraffe print? Do they think I don't get enough snarky height-related comments?

Given that most sexual assault victims know their attackers, isn't it more like: hey ladies, don't leave your bicycle in your room around people that you trust and are your friends. Never let your guard down and chain your bicycle to a heavy object at all times. Because if a friend of yours sees an unlocked bicycle,

Joy Anna was my bet, too, but they're slowly taming her sass. Jana has been absent from so many episodes that I suspect that perhaps she's slowly backed away into a life of sin.

I made the mistake of stumbling into a Reddit thread about this and the entire thread was chock-full of this kind of bullshit. "OMG, he just punched her once and she totally started it!" Right, he punched her only once because he knocked her unconscious, then he literally dragged her by the hair. "But, but, but she