Perhaps sometime in the future, rape culture will no longer be a thing and colleges will be more helpful towards rape survivors, but for now, they're protective of their brand. It all comes down to money. You scare parents away from schools that have sexual assault problems? You lose potential customers from buying…
What's really hard to understand is that, given the reaction from the public with regard to the complete clusterfuck handling of rape accusations and confirmed assaults, why Universities would continue to handle these things the way they do.
I just think no one believes she actually has it.
I know right? I thought we all snarked at how, with all the money she's worth, her photoshop attempts are budget.
As Commander of the Feline Uprising I am going to wake you up by kneading incessantly on your chest at 4am until you feed me respect your opinion.
I will spare this man when I rule over all as a benevolent cat dictator.
I actually like her for connecting gossip to real actual cultural trends. Yes, it's just gossip but really it IS a reflection on who and what and which the current culture finds important. I appreciate that she points it out. There is a reason why closeted celebrities are news; why young women are always portrayed as…
He is an utterly fantastic songwriter, prolific and talented musician. Really a once-in-a-generation kind of guy. He's produced some of the best albums of the past 20 years bar none.
Ryan Adams is an asshole. I don't care that he gets drunk before and during his shows because, well, which performer doesn't? I care that he will pick people out of the crowd and make fun of them, that he'll fling shit at the audience, that he likes to smash instruments during hissy fits, etc.
Not that it's gospel or anything, but there were quite a few blind items about Ryan Adams having it off with Taylor Swift last year, including one from Lainey Gossip…
I'm sure you know this because of your friend's baby, but children can't be vaccinated against measles until 12 months of age.
It's stupid parental nostalgia. How many times have you heard people say that measles, mumps, chicken pox aren't that bad? It's because they can't remember the cases that were bad, or that they are fucking awful when you catch them as a baby or as an adult. So when you hear stupid parental nostalgia, remind them that…
I had measles three times in a twelve month period and it was horrible. I just had to lie in a dark room, sniffling to myself, and at night I had to get wooly mittens taped to my hands because I scratched in my sleep. People kept asking my mum to have measles parties, but I was so miserable she said it didn't seem…
I grew up when all these diseases were rampant. Polio was still around too, but I got my first dose of vaccine in second grade. They were awful illnesses. Why any parent would want to risk their child potentially having any of them if it can be prevented, is beyond me.
And if they are too young to be vaccinated, keep them away from kids that aren't.
Yup. Herd immunity is like a nice, snuggly security blanket that covers those whose vaccines have worn off in the period before they realise they have worn off, those whose vaccines never took in the period before they know they never took, those who are too young to vaccinate and those who have immune system issues…
I have one friend whose several-months-old kid's measles was linked to the Disney charade post that they had identified the link here (an unvaccinated child who was around their child and later came down with measles before theirs who had been to DL) and another friend who may have just found out her kid (just shy of…
A lot of people here in Denver are screaming that this dick's rights are being violated, but bigots are not a protected class in Colorado! Gays are - and the original case of Masterpiece Bakery was a clear cut case for the ACLU and the State of Colorado. If you want to own a business license, you need to offer one…
Like, what's the occasion for this particular cake? It just doesn't make sense to me unless there's some birthday boy whose number one hobby is queer bashing.