
Changing into work clothes is a work-related activity and it should happen on the employer's time. That's how it is for unionized workers like me (which is one of the many great arguments for unionizing the restaurant industry)

Santorum spoke at the event. The same Santorum whose wife had a non-abortion abortion at 20 weeks because of complications. IOKIYAR.

Hahahahahaha. Well, that is fair.

Just sayin' a lady who doesn't exactly have a "beauty standard ideal Playboy" vulva and have silently listened to people joke about "beef curtains" and disparage "sloppy pussies" all my life (while having no idea that I, in fact, own one of those awful vulvas they're so disgusted's not okay to point and laugh at other peoples' bodies. I'm the last person in the world to be all "what about the men!1!!1!" and I generally have close to zero sympathy for penis anxiety, but the way people are reacting to this is fucking gross and really, really surprising for Jezebel. There are

I'm going through her archive and she is very straightforward and genuine and her review of the dining options at the MSP Airport is especially brilliant. Though I am bummed to find out she isn't a heavy drinker because she'd be super fun to share a few a few cold ones with.

The lattes cost less than those I enjoy at Starbucks. But they are worthy.

Not even a joke, this lady is a far better writer than 90% of the people** currently in my advanced novel-writing workshop at a Canadian university that shall remain nameless*

Not only do they punish women for choices they make about their own bodies, they're proudly punishing women who don't make these choices! Your body does a thing all on its own that happens in ~20% of pregnancies and you're a fucking criminal, apparently. Shoulda prayed harder, I guess?

This is the 2nd story I have read about this poor woman and I still feel like I am reading it wrong. She was jailed for MISCARRYING. She did not intentionally cause the miscarriage. How was her so-called guilt in any way possible? The mind boggles.

People keep bringing this up, but just because the law is on your side doesn't mean you escape judgment in all situations for being a massive dick. If you cheat or otherwise cause the breakup and then pursue someone legally to get back the ring you gave them, I reserve the right to consider you an asshole regardless

My fiance and I broke up on reasonable terms and she gave the ring back to me. I still have it! I had bought it at a discount by taking a "no returns" deal. "She'll say yes," they assured me.

I've tried to sell it twice. The first time was to a pawn shop where the guy took the ring in the back to "examine" it, then

After my divorce I threw my ring into the Arabian sea. I saw it sink, felt elated, then started to cry and jumped in and swam after it. I didn't find it. I wasn't supposed to. That was that. We talked speaking two years ago. We have both re-married and moved on. We still love eachother. I am blessed in that sense.

Meanwhile, Christine Sinclair is laughing, somewhere in Canada, counting her endorsement monies.

Yeah, another person posted a link that she was almost arrested for being belligerent with the police and and doing the whole "do you know who we are?" thing. She's a tool. Suspend away, US soccer!

That link doesn't tell the whole story other places are reporting. She's alleged to have become belligerent with the officers who pulled her husband over, had her phone out recording them (which is not illegal, btw) and was nearly arrested herself for disorderly conduct.

It's nice that at least one sports organization is willing to punish its players.

Now I totally want to see a male player twirl. I bet Nola would do it.

Anna, its called the Fratmosphere, not the Fratverse.

One time, I had an experience different than this with my Greek life, so you should really stop being mean and picking on Greek life.