
So let's see:

oh yeah i would love to hear the church's side of the story i am sure it is very reasonable and on point

The only good news here is she's gonna be able to take an extended maternity leave with all the $$ she's going to get from suing them.

Indicates that our brains may process many kinds of attraction and love in the same way, and even though we think "this is parent child love" and "this is friendship" and "this is sexual attraction" it probably isn't all that different and it's easy to mix it up when you're not raised around the person.

Yup, if any 30-year old man started talking to a girl when she was 15, and then slept with her at 17, and married her at 18, I'd call it grooming.

I love your chutzpah, but.. um...


Like special dog, whilst moving.

i cannot explain the strange, upset internal keening sound i am making in my mind right now.

I have a lot of friends, and a wedding planned for 8 months from now. My original wedding party was huge. I've lost 3 bridesmaids, though. One of them is my sister, who is moving to Scotland to marry a guy she met on the internet 6 months ago and has only seen in person for a few weeks. They got engaged on Christmas

Not feeling the giving people food poisoning one, that's pretty fucked up. Send the bitch a damn bill for all the time you wasted.

Damn... you got my hopes up that she would reveal that she was having bees.

Yeah there are a lot of people thinking that for some reason they're taking the moral high ground by not having children, and lord it over people with children. But having a baby shouldn't have moral implications about your character. Belief in belief or taking a behavior and attaching moral currency to it is just

Incident Report: Irritated subject attended baby shower last spring that included a gender "reveal" in super shitty form of a scrolled paper announcing "It's a BOY!" in each guest's slice of cake.

Wow, I'm guessing the doctor screwed that one up! Harder to spot a wiener/not-wiener on a sonogram than to understand the words "GIRL" or "BOY" inside an envelope!

Hey, you guys want to hear a really good baby reveal story that has nothing to do with Tamera Mowry? A couple years ago my second cousin and her husband are going to the doctor to learn the sex of their baby. When they're in the waiting room, they both freak out and decide they might not be ready to know and they want

I honestly don't understand this argument, "I was inebriated so I can't be held responsible".

But not too drunk to text, take pictures and shoot video. Happens to me all the time. I just shot a documentary and when it rolled at Cannes, I was like, "huh? I was way too drunk to form the intent to win the palme d'or!" And then I accepted the award and sodomized the head judge with it. Whoopsie!

Jesus Christ.

Batey's attorney said he was "very inebriated" that night and that he "had a blackout,"