
Are we STILL doing "the gay agenda" thing? Seriously? THE GAYS, OMG THEY'RE GONNA GETCHA. OOOooOOOoOoooOOOooo [making oogly-boogly finger wiggles here] [also rolling eyes because oh for fuck's sake].

It must be aliens. Probably feminist aliens, trying to discredit innocent human men.

"Your likely another woman who wants to be able to go party and have zero accountability"

"Women are going to be sexually assaulted. And, men are going to be falsely accused of sexual assault. "

This reminds me of The Mighty Boosh.

If SIL cutting my hair is a "2" I don't wanna stick around to found out what "10" is on the dramatic scale.

Gaslighting is certainly enough reason to pull the plug on a marriage. It isn't a relationship without an equal balance of power, and gaslighting is abusive.

Someone has to tell people they're ugly.

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.

Today my VP pulled me into his office and asked me to describe an incident that had happened "without a bunch of emotion" as if my uterus would not allow me to be anything but a hysterical, crying mess.

I see where the nurse is coming from. It's a personal safety issue. One day it's vandalizing her car- it's rational to fear things could get worse.It may be an unwritten rule that you don't take a shoveled out space but it's the law that spaces on a public street is first come first served.

She brutally mutilated him and then was allowed into his hospital room? How did she get anywhere near him? How come her scissors were so sharp? Mine don't even cut hair. Can you get a penis prosthesis? Can they grow one on the back of a mouse? I have many questions.

I have some scissors that would do it.

Because if you're the one filling the envelope with glitter and mailing it, YOU ARE ALSO GOING TO HAVE GLITTER ALL OVER YOURSELF AND YOUR HOME. The genius of this service is it allows you to inflict craft herpes on others without being exposed to it yourself.

These historical pieces are my favorite things on Jezebel!

Absolutely incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing it. What an amazing journey.

She could be allergic to Triclosan, which is the active ingredient in hand sanitizer. There are three different hand sanitizers. Alcohol based, Triclosan based, and Benzalkonium Chloride based.

"You little imp! *pinches cheek* Stop trying to murder your teacher! Now take this brand new Xbox and go play with your co-conspirators...I mean friends. Go play with your friends." *hides all the knives*

The parents are probably suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. I mean, if you go after a gang of murderous kids, you better not miss, right?

This is the kind of outside-the-box thinking that we should encourage in children.