
I am no "expert" on Shar Peis, but I had one for 11 years and after she passed I adopted another and have had him for a year and a half now. They're not particularly difficult or anything - in fact, my friends/family with small yappy dogs tend to have more issues regarding behavior and health than I have ever had

This is how I feel about Shiba Inus as a Shiba owner.

I know they look cute, but no one who is not an expert on Shar Peis should own a Shar Pei. They are NOT easy dogs and have a lot of health and behavioral issues. I feel terrible for this poor dog, who has clearly been neglected by a lot of people, but I do hope very much that whoever has him know is VERY careful

Okay, I am not defending her actions AT ALL, but having worked at animal shelters, I can tell you that the amount of people who dump their unwanted pets on the side of the road, at intersections, etc. is huge. I'd rather this lady do what she did (safely restrained with his stuff where someone could find him) rather

I make vanilla extract with vanilla beans and vodka (cheaper than buying in the store), and I am pretty sure that it is actually MORE expensive to get drunk off of vanilla extract than to just use plain vodka...

How could I forget about the Dionnes? Those poor kids.

Hey, at least it's not as bad as people dating someone who looks EXACTLY like them. Sample images are below.

Yeah, these guys are going too far in their hatred of reviewers. Some reviewers post well reasoned, appropriate, helpful reviews. Reviews that would allow other customers to decide whether or not they want to take a chance on that restaurant. To malign all reviewers as friendless, socially-incompetent outcasts is a

I work with people AALLLLLLLLL day. I have a finely developed appreciation for people who take no shit from those people and a keen respect for management that doesn't throw itself into every mud puddle so the customer can walk all over them and their staff. The customer isn't always right. Sometimes the customer is a

Feminist role model? How? I understand there is more than one way to be feminist but I am racking my brains how she could be one. What is her message of inspiration?

My mind kept saying Botticelli's Birth of Venus with a side of "I woke up like this."

Here's the thing though: Boko Haram has been murdering and pillaging for quite a while now. Why aren't we (We = US, Europe, Israel) interested in doing anything about it? Why aren't we putting resources into combatting them the same way we're doing in the Middle East?

This wasn't a ten year old girl suicide bomber. This was a ten year old girl murdered to murder other people. Fuck that shit.

If there is anything more despicable and cowardly than this...grown men too pussy to go to their own deaths they have to send a baby to do their mass murder for them. I fucking hope there's a god and I fucking hope there's a hell and I fucking hope they burn in it forever

Can we change the language to 'used a girl to carry out' and 'used the women to carry out' cause none of these women/children had an option.

Oh, my fucking God...

I'm not sure. That white person could be his wife or girlfriend and bitches have a long history of asking for it.

Theories about rape culture suggest that rape becomes more likely when it—and lesser, related practices—becomes normalized: when we believe that male sexual aggression is natural and desirable, then male sexual aggression that crosses the line into assault comes to be seen as understandable, if regrettable.

In the case