
Yeah, this is a common thing, unfortunately, my school was vast majority POC, and people (including me) were upset when people's skin colors were LIGHTENED (some by several shades), and birth marks were removed.

God - as if learning to love yourself at that age (or any) isn't hard enough, and then you look in the yearbook and someone has basically marked you as "not pretty enough" and made you into what they think you should look like? I had terrible self esteem at that age - if this had happened to me, I might still be

Oh, fuck off with the "he hasn't been found guilty in a court of law" bullshit. You are clearly oblivious to something called "statute of limitations" if you're using the word "yet"and questioning why no formal charges have been brought against him. The DA in the Andrea Constand case in 2004 wanted to arrest and

I'd guess he's still in a celebrity bubble. He probably has handlers who filter and throw out 999 pieces of hate mail and give him the one in a thousand supporting letter. He has co-conspirators/ handlers who supplied him with roofies or whatever he's using on women, lawyers when one of the survivors of his attacks

"To automatically to be lumped into that category of a gang... that hits a little close to home for us, because that isn't our intent at all," Strobl said.

What's the mindset here? I mean, you would imagine a normal man, who was being accused by a whole hell of a lot of women of a crime he was innocent of (which is what he claims to be) would want to distance himself from discussing said crime in anything but the most deprecating fashion. "Rape is a serious issue. I

This guy. This fucking guy. He's such a fucking brazen son of a bitch. I'm starting to wonder if Cosby's actually beginning to enjoy this a little bit. I mean, hey, the statute of limitation is king. He's getting more media attention than he has in decades. He's getting lavish amounts of love and vocal support from

omg he is horrified

I went to an out of town wedding on New Year's Eve and left my dog with my parents. When I came home she ran down the stairs and literally jumped into my arms. She is a 65 pound German Shepherd. I started weeping because I had left her to get drunk with my friends and she was SO HAPPY to see me. Also, I'm jealous of

This man is still doing standup!? How did all his venues not back out after the accusations? People have been cancelled and blacklisted for less ( RIP Dixie Chicks).

This isn't remotely surprising. At my freshman convocation at Temple in 2004, his talk included advice to students that if you're drunk you need a lawyer present to have sex, and something along the lines of "hey guys, she's gotta sign the papers first."

What slays me about this is that the dog is so obviously upset that he's going to land on his tiny human. Like, they really do love us humans! Sniff. Makes me tear up.

My favorite part is the misogynistic, patriarchal fucking assumption that Jay-Z has primary control over Beyoncé's music, image, or career. I mean, Jay-Z is a Penis-Swinging Man, goddamnit, and thus the undeniable Head of Household, so he MUST be the one to blame here for his wife's sluttery, right? It's simply too

I just... Hm. I guess I would be interested to see the transcript of the conversation he had with himself that concluded with, "Why, yes! Yes, the world DOES want to know my opinions regarding the marriage of Beyoncé and Jay-Z!"

This is a little off-topic, but... I had a friend who showed up to my father's funeral wearing jeans and work boots. Because that's what he wears for his job. He took his lunch break two hours early so he could come and pay his respects and I thought it was lovely. He made an effort to be there for my family and we

Or choosing your comrade's funeral as a time to make a statement like such. What's more disrespectful to that poor man's memory? Jeans or being total brats? I'm gonna go with total brats for 500, Alex.

It's almost hilarious that when the NYPD sat around brainstorming ways to prove how necessary they are to the daily functioning of the city they came up with, "Stop writing tickets for bullshit petty offenses and harassing people on the sidewalks, that'll show 'em! They'll come crawling back to lick our boots after a

I just can't with this. You know what's disrespectful? Turning your fucking back on the Mayor of New York because you're upset that he, what? Talked about having to protect his son from police violence? Fuck right off with your jeansgate.

I'm fine with the slowdown. Keep it up long enough and we can decrease revenues from ticketing poor people, trim the budget, and fire some cops. Start with any that have had excessive force complaints.