
Two years is such a crock of shit. Federal guidelines, adjusted down by the judge himself, recommend 6-8 years. Fuck his "menschy-ness". He sold access to the highest office in the state. Asshole should do every bit of time possible. If not for this, then what would warrant the full penalty? Just because caterers

It goes to show the kind of prejudice we have against the mentally ill that the idea Maureen McDonnell was "crazy" somehow makes her MORE responsible for the illegal activities both she and her husband were engaged in.

I'm going to pretend this is a sentence for his attempt to make trans-vaginal ultrasound obligatory for women seeking abortions in is ass-backwards state. It's too short.

I CALL DIBS. "Flamin' Dildo" is now my band name

I worked at the Virgin Megastore in the 90's when he released his book and did an in-store and he was actually very polite and kind to everyone. Like, he was only supposed to sign like fifty books, but he made sure that he stayed several hours past his scheduled time so that every single fan that showed up got to see

The irony of Phyllis Schlafly is that her life is actually a great feminist example. She's had a rich and varied career, doing basically what she wanted when she wanted, while still raising a family and building a media empire. It's enough to make you wonder if she's really trolling the right, when she

wait so like

I always want to say this to men who spout lines like "North American women have nothing to complain about... we're equal now!".

this was incredible. what a lovely, lovely soul.

I want to remind all of us that every couple of decades we have a revolution.

Shopping, blogging for an online magazine, vacations, gourmet cooking, working out, starting an indie rock band, performance art, hanging out in coffee shops with a laptop pretending to write, sleeping with married people while their spouses are at work, podcasting.... the list goes on and on! Hang-out with hipsters

I figured that would be the four kids. Plottin' and a-schemin' to keep our lovers apart by playing on their basic, bedrock decency.

Because the wife was standing between him and the girl he should've married but let go so she could follow her dream of being an astronaut.

Um, well, the "death tax" is sort of a Republican invented nonsense phrase for an implement of wealth distribution that actually has a pretty noble aim of keeping money out of the hands of the idiot spoiled children of the rich

I think a 30 year old getting an allowance from their parents takes them pretty much out of my "sexy" column.

it literally takes me 2-3 hours to get through one episode because im just pausing & whimpering into my hands every time someone starts talking

My Mother in Law teaches Spin and she uses the clean version of songs because she lives in Florida and most of her class is older women with special sensibilities. And when I worked with kids, we had to use the clean version of songs for things like lock-ins etc. So I get the point. It just shouldn't be SO damn

From what I read somewhere months ago, she started it because she legit couldn't find products she wanted to use for her own babies so decided to start a company to fill that need. I only know about it from that article - it was something like "You Won't Believe Which Celeb has the Most Successful Start-Up!"

HE'S GOING TO "SPOIL HER TOO MUCH :)" and tbh I'm pretty stoked to hear about it

Where's the lady who keeps going on about her "lawyer husband :)" because she's got to be excited as all fuck to tell us about how often she's going to frequent this baby lifestyle site