
You had me at complete stranger. YOU HAD ME AT COMPLETE STRANGER.

I read the most amazing stuff on Jezebel. Once again I find myself slack-jawed in amazement while reading this. Holy crap!

Let's be honest here: retail labor isn't exactly hard to come by in these situations. Headhunting is, for better or for worse, for people with relatively more rare skills.

The expulsion of a hydatidiform mole, which is a mass that can grow inside the uterus. Inside the mole are cysts that are held together by thin strands of fibrous tissue. The children, the doctors speculated, were the cysts spilling from her vagina, like grapes falling out of a bag.

Speaking specifically to criminal justice, Mexico is more or less a failed state. The government (fed or local) is one of two things: willfully corrupt, or well-meaning but powerless against organized crime. And the widespread disappearances/murders of women is one of the many arms of organized crime. (Sprinkle in a

It's a combination of what you said and other factors. The whole justice system is a mess. There are no resources (well, they never get to where they're supposed to be used), police officers are unprepared, have little to no education, receive really low salaries, etc. and all of that makes them easily

It's pretty horrifying that this same story crops up every year or two without any real consequence to the Mexican government and that the mass murders and rapes just continue. It's not as if there's some prolific serial killer out there that they just can't catch. This is an organized, well planned and sanctioned

I don't remember the women's names bc I read about it 1-2 years ago. Anyway, the two young women went into Mexico from the U.S., & were never seen again. The purpose of the trip was to see a specific show or visit someone. I think they had family there, also. The father of one of the girls was interviewed on one of

Speaking of on point 'foreign' literature

Because the word pandemic only colloquially means across the world. It can absolutely mean within one country.

Oh, come ON, lady. I can see thinking this would be a thing that might be okay to do when you're say, 17, and everything is HUGELY DRAMATIC and whatnot, but at age 35? Hon, you should know better by now.

It sounds like she caught the flue.

thank you!!!!!! I remember the first victim was a black lady that spoke out abt this long time ago. She gave full details of Cosby's MO. The wine and the housecoat but no one blvd her. She also mentioned abt the hush money...I think it was 250k or so that Cosby's attorneys were trying to get from her for speaking out.

So, I have an idiot friend who did this in high school and while he went in clothed, he had a lot of clothes pretty much rip off while he was going down and then the rest when the fire department came to rescue him, because chimneys are not meant for people. I'm not saying she didn't go in naked, but presenting the

If possible Trump comes out of this looking like even more of a ballbag than usual.

Letting your kids believe in Santa:

She was cast as one of the contestants on the latest season of Celebrity Apprentice, long before anyone could have imagined that the name "Cosby" would ever be popularly equated with anything other than "super perfect American TV family Dad." But a lot has changed in the intervening months.

Donald Trump epitomizes, both personally and as a media figure, the poisonous triumph of money over every other value, as well as the attitudes of blind entitlement and privilege that drive that triumph - it should come as no surprise that he would come down on the wrong side of this kind of discussion, and then

Here's my question - why did nobody go back and edit this after the fact? They could have simply altered it to appear that Pullam was fired for leading the losing team - which happens a lot. Why leave this in now that its clear that Pullam might have had VERY good reasons for not calling Cosby?