
Doing Weight Watchers was the only time I ever lost any meaningful amount of weight also. But I only went to one meeting, I never went back because it reminded me of church/bible study in a very bad way (both things I have avoided since I was old enough for my mom to no longer make me go). I went to the weigh ins

Call me suspicious, but my guess is the "threats" were more along the lines of trans supporters coming to the funeral rather than any harm to the family. The "threat" was people not letting them pretend they were having a funeral a son who died in a tragic accident because people would be there loudly proclaiming that

They loved their son so much that they killed their daughter.

Updated tips from Fox News

Well, all of history suggests that it would. Women have gained and lost rights throughout recorded history. Voting rights didn't exist for a huge part of that time, but property rights did. And women gained and lost those at different periods.

It seems like El Al's issue could be easily solved with a clear-cut policy. "Oh, you're unwilling to fly in the seat you paid a ticket for, sir? Are you sure? Okay, very well, your ticket is cancelled. There will be no refund."

First y'all complain about "manspreading" and then you're mad when we give you a whole cabin to yourselves! Make up your minds!

If you can actually get Orthodox Jews and fundamentalist Muslims to agree on something, it's probably wrong.

Why don't they just put women in the cargohold with the rest of the property and be done with it?

I would like to give a special commendation to Gawker Media's copy editing team, because the sheer volume of chances for unfortunate implications involving the name "Ragheed" must have been like handling a live grenade.

at least the owner seems completely fucking mortified.

This story also pretty perfectly captures how bad most people are at accommodating disabilities, all over the place. It seems most people don't know that much, if anything, about what accommodation is and how it works, and they keep falling back on "these are the rules and we can't make exceptions". You are supposed

I have to say, it's shitty that the Oregon players are receiving more punishment than the rapist in this situation.

Well, at the time, she was ridiculed for wanting to better herself intellectually. I think she was quite bright, but poorly educated. And I hate the contempt people have for her — she was smart enough to create a persona that has survived well past her death. That isn't the work of a stupid person.

Me too, but I also wish I could believe it was intellectual curiosity and not a constant attempt to overcome a sense of never being good enough, which is heartbreaking.

I really wish she got a bit more credit for having intellectual curiosity.

But, but- religion is never an aggravator of such problems. No, no, religion is just dandy and Christianity is a religion of love! Love thy child, love thy neighbour...

This is so fucking heartbreaking. I am weeping for this poor girl. I'm sorry that you didn't have the support you needed Leelah. I'm sorry that you didn't seem to have anybody. I wish somebody would have crossed your path that could have directed you to resources that could help you independent of your parents but it

I honestly just feel sorry for this woman, because she's lost something beautiful, but she's too limited to ever really know it.

My sentiments exactly. I have zero sympathy for anyone who gets injured picking on animals. There's a reason "you mess with the bull you get the horns" is such a common saying.