
"I really think you should not talk about things that you don't know anything about, ok? I know my situation in the Netherlands; I know what I can do within the law. Considering pregnancy, you're a man; you can walk away when your girlfriend is pregnant. I'm pregnant now and I had an abortion when I was—a long time

"forgive me lord, for I have tweeted dumb shit in thy name"

They tweet but then the feel guilty about it and have to go to confession... then repeat the process the next day.

"The doctors told me that if I hadn't worn such a tight dress which held in place my bones as the car impacted, I would have most definitely punctured vital organs"

Shut it down everyone, give this woman a standing ovation, and let's donate (if you can) to her cause!

Unfortunately stuff like this happens a lot in China. People often think of it as a communist totalitarian state of the 1960's but it reminds me being closer to modern Russia's straight up corruption. The CCP has their hands in half the business there and lets them do whatever sketchy stuff they want for a buck and

Her blind items were AMAZING. If any of that stuff is true, I am in awe at her sexual prowess. Never heard the Mayer rumors, though. Or maybe if I has I blocked them out because he's GROSS.

The forced demolitions was a bad enough base to begin with.

This is an especially funny headline to see this AM as my comment in the last article about Giada's breakup was a conglomeration of folks saying they only recognize her name from all the blind items about her and Mayer.

I've read a lot of crazy stuff about Giada (her sleeping with not just John Mayer but Drake and Tyson Beckford, her being in a lavender marriage with her husband), but most of it is just speculation. I also read that her father was an abusive asshole sent from hell. I was reading an article from 1994. It talked about

"Do you know what marrying means?" Nephew: "Yes, to always dance together."

This is so stinking cute!!

I felt kind of sorry for her because I think she's been so damn stupid UNTIL they failed to set up the payment plan and since then I'm done. I do feel sorry for her kids having to live through this because of having incredibly dumb parents, and I hope someone besides Joe is keeping an eye out for them while Tre is

I think we should allow and give room for both types reactions and everything in between. Women should not have to justify their reasons for having an abortion - the simple decision should suffice and stand on its own. That's what having the right to choose means. And by the same token, women can and should be allowed

Except it's always "It has haunted me my whole life" instead of, "Thank fuck, because I sure as shit wouldn't be doing an interview with Rolling Stone if I hadn't."

I really think it's important that she's willing to be so open about this. For many women, an abortion is shitty, traumatic, and not a decision arrived at easily. Some of you reading this are probably like, "duh" but I can't tell you how many dummies actively accuse women of flippantly get abortions like they're a

FYI, I am pretty sure you are not dealing with a real person up there. From another one of their comments:

This is exactly what we need. I don't think I've ever seen a celebrity talk openly about abortion, especially their own experiences. I'm impressed and thrilled and love Nicki Minaj more and more with each thing I read about her.

It's no more wasteful than what most people do: wear it once and keep it in the attic forevermore. Donating it would have been a nice gesture, as it would be for any woman to donate her worn only once wedding dress. But sounds like she needed this release, so more power to her.

Edit: typo

I think it gives a better sense of closure to that chapter of her life by the artistic expression. I think she should be afforded the chance to be selfish in this case: her life has changed. Let her be!